Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Golden Birthday

I turned 24 on the 24th this year. It was SO exciting...not really, but it was a great day. This past weekend we went to SLC for Makenna's baby shower, not gonna lie, made me a pit pregnant hungry. Notice, I'm not baby hungry, I just like being pregnant. Call me crazy. As always it's great to see family, but holy cow, Miles' schedule was all sorts of thrown off. I swear he's not a demon child usually!! Why won't he perform when we tell him to?? :) For my birthday we got me a sewing machine so I can become a semi-proficient seamstress and make all these cool projects I keep seeing out there. We'll see how that goes. My patience level for perfection and sewing has a short fuse. The Garners of course made me feel special, and when we got back, the Christensen's even had us over for a little birthday shin-dig also. Such good friends. Miles gave me the best birthday present though. He slept in till 9 and then also took a 3 hour nap!! AND a flower finally bloomed on our flower plants. There are some flowers that I planted in a clear vase because I thought it would be cool to watch the roots grow all over. I was right, it is cool. Funny thing, I checked it today and there are some mushrooms growing in it! I always try to post a caption above a specific picture, but it never works, so I'm just going to post all the pictures and you can figure it out for yourselves. The on picture of Miles and his grandma Linda cracks me up! He was actually cuddling with her, but it looks like he's a giant child and is trampling her or something!


Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Congrats on your "golden" birthday! And thanks for being such a blessing to our family all 24 years! Have fun with the sewing machine! I'm excited to see the projects you come up with. Oh and...good luck with the patience part of it!

Love, mom

One Opinionated Housewife said...

Ditto what your mom said. Also, I want half of Richie's energy. How great would it be to have enough energy to run around a couch and then proceed to jump on it? And you LIKE being pregnant? Holy smokes! Sounds like you are an eight children woman to me.

Wii are the Nelsons said...

I didn't know it was your "golden" birthday. Hope it was golden! Glad you got your machine already and a cute sewing basket! That picture of Miles and his grandma is funny because he does look like he's attacking her. Fun video of Miles and Richie. Mike and James do similar stuff. You're not alone in liking being pregnant; I loved being pregnant too. Oh and about my party post; it's not about being invited to parties; it's about getting invited to do anything. Plus I haven't had my VTs come either. Glad we have our weekly play groups though. Did you want to have one this week because I have tons of milk jugs waiting to give to you! =D Sorry this turned into a novel - you can reply on FB or call me.

Kelly Spence said...

Really? You liked being pregnant? I guess there are moments, but over all, I don't like it. And my pregnancies aren't bad! It was good to see you. Look forward to many blog posts of sewing projects.

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...