Monday, September 14, 2009

Here's my 2 cents

Ok- I normally try not to be the one who sees the glass as half empty and I try really hard to be a more uplifting person on a frequent basis. However, that does not mean I don't have my gripes and need to be a whiner for a time. Well, right now is one of those times. I'll say what I have to whine about, then I'll get off my soapbox, promise.

What is it with people that think just because I'm not some multi-millionaire, CEO, iPod touch screen addict, wearing a power suit woman that my time isn't valuable? Why do people think that because I'm a stay-at-home mom that I have nothing better to do with my time than cater to you?? I guess those people have never been a stay-at-home mom and don't realize that those few precious hours when your babies are napping is the only time you have to get done the majority of your list that day, or (gasp) even shower! (what a luxury, right?) I just get sick of people wasting MY time because they think THEIR time is more important, and giving me "chores" to do because they probably think I sit around and eat bon bons all day.

Can I get an "AMEN"?!


The Pingel Family said...

AMEN!!! Sorry you are having a rough time! Nap time is a precious commodity, seriously. I don't really know how to help you but I hope things get better soon!

McKenna said...

AMEN! I know what you mean. Getting a shower can be tricky. You can't believe what little pleasures are pushed to the side when there is a little one to be taken care of.

McKenna said...

Sorry, I don't know how it put it twice.

One Opinionated Housewife said...

So, who caused you to be so outraged Rach? Where is all of this anger coming from? I can't begin to tell the the number of times that women have asked me to be their personal babysitter while they chose to work an 8 hour day. I stay at home with my kids because I choose to raise them and care for them, and it always irks me when working moms think of me as just a babysitter. Like what I am doing is less important or something!

Becca said...

I got so tired of being asked to do things, like babysit (which was happening on an almost daily basis), that I stopped caring about hurting feelings and started telling people "NO." After telling people that a few times, I realized I didn't even need a really good excuse either. If you just tell people you won't be able to, usually that's good enough. You should try it!

The Wallace Family said...

You said it sista!

Aubrey Scott said...

You can get two "AMEN"'s from me. I always get the question "so what DO you do all day?" I always reply "EVERYTHING!" Yo go girl

Russ and Natalie said...

We all know you are referring to Richie, just admit he is 'these people' you speak of.


Sara said...

AMEN!!! Stay at home moms don't really get time off other than naps and bedtime, so in many ways, a mom's time is MORE valuable than that of women who CHOOSE to work for a living. When former co-workers learned that I was going to be a stay at home mom, they assumed I'd get bored. Um, no - there's still plenty to do!!

mylyn wood said...

amen sister! i hate that too. the line I despise most is, "but you've been home all day!" ugghhhh! a lot of times I think being a SAHM is harder than corporate jobs because they are so emotionally AND physically draining. Power to you sister!

Trev and Sara said...

AMEN and AMEN again! I love you!Miles is such a stud!

Rachel said...

Where did this outrage come from you ask Nat? It wasn't even anything big, it was just the last straw, ya know? There was a guy who had to give me some training and didn't let me know when he was coming, so I just had to drop everything and then he wasted a lot of my time while he was here. That's all. I've readjusted my chi and am all calm and peaceful now. :)

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...