Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Little Man

Miles got his very first hair cut today! My friend Angie offered to show me how to do it, since I was too nervous to just chop into it. You may not see a big difference in the before and after pictures because his hair is so blonde, but trust me he had a mullet/rat tail/ mowhawk goin on. It was kind of unexpectedly emotional for me! My little boy is growing up very fast, and he has the hair cut to prove it! Maybe we should call him "Big Hair Cut" from now on. (Andy Bernard)



Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

I know how emotional that event can be! Ben's hair was long enough to curl before I could bring myself to cut it! So, what was Miles' reaction to it? He sure looks cute! Love, Mom

Makenna said...

i can definitely tell his hair is cut! very handsome boy! he looks like he needs some kisses though . . . hmm :)

Adrienne said...

He is quite the little man! We were able to put George's curly locks in pony tails when I finally cut it...people kept calling him a girl and that wasn't good.

They grow up incredibly fast even if it doesn't feel like it some days.... Love you Rach!!!

The Wallace Family said...

Tucker did wear a pony tail before Taysom hacked off his beautiful curls! They look so much older after a hair cut - don't they?!? I love that Richie took Miles on the Father/Son outing! And it sounds like you had a nice evening as well. Love you!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...