Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oh what a coat of paint can do!

We "inherited" some furniture recently (thank you Dees) and we were told we could sell it at an upcoming garage sale or keep it. We opted to keep the lamp base and end table. I figured with a little TLC, they could be pretty neat-o. I wish I would have taken before pictures, but the lamp base was just a dark wood with gold trim, same with the end table. Kind of beat up and really dated. They had gotten them at the DI for super cheap. No need to go into much detail, I just primed them both and then painted and stained or sanded to make it look a little more distressed. I found the lamp shade at the DI for $2 and decided to get creative with it. Not so sure I like it, but hey, for only 2 bucks, I can afford to not like it for now. Either way, it is sure a fun thing for me to do.

Tonight I made Cafe Rio Salad! Yummm. I was doubly excited to make it this time around because I had my very own cilantro from these little beauties, grown right here in our windowsill. It could just be my pride, but man, did that cilantro taste good!!

And, Miles ate a half of a crayon the other day. It was blue, and apparently delicious.


Becca said...

Wow, your herbs are really taking off. I want to do an herb garden too. How are your tomato plants doing?

Rachel said...

The tomato plants are getting really big! But they are still in our windowsill, we haven't dared to plant them yet because it still gets pretty cold.

Jill Dees said...

The lamp and table look sooooooo much better, good job


Nice job on the use of paint! Your herb garden puts me to shame as I've never even tried one. As for Mile's "artistic taste", I can remember when crayons tasted good to me too. Love, mom

Makenna said...

Rachel, You're an inspiration to us all! That Miles kid is pretty cute, even if he's getting into trouble :)

One Opinionated Housewife said...

I want the cafe rio recipe please. The cilantro is the magic ingredient.

The Wallace Family said...

Yes post the recipe! I love your "new" lamps. And Miles blue smile is adorable!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...