Saturday, May 15, 2010

Father's and Son's

Richie is so cool. He saw in the ward bulletin that Father's and Son's would be this weekend. I didn't even give it a thought. "Miles is way too little" I said to myself. But Richie's eyes lit up and he started making plans. We decided it wouldn't be best to stay overnight since the weather can get nasty fast here and it would be a lot of work for Richie to set up the tent etc etc all while trying to keep an eye on Mr. Miles. But they went to the cook-out, the hike and all the other activities. They both came home tired. I was so wanting a little girl time, but seeing as all other girls I knew around here would be with their husbands and kids, I went to the gym and then had a nice bath and read. Good times. It makes me excited for the days when we have more kids and when the boys go off to Father's and Son's, us girls will do all sorts of girly things. You know what I'm talking about. Here's a few pictures Richie took. That mountain is the one the climbed!


Makenna said...

SO FUN! I'm sure Ian can't wait till he can take our little guy to Father and son's. What handsome boys you've got :)

Becca said...

Love it!

Wii are the Nelsons said...

How cute! You can always call me for a girls' night.

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...