Sunday, February 19, 2023

December 2021

A main event in December is that Grandma and Grandpa Garner, and Jacob made a special trip to come up and help us split wood. It's like we could feel Grandpa Ewing working along beside us. As is custom when Grandma and Grandpa Garner come up, we work from dawn until dusk, and then some. We got so much accomplished and made sure we had enough wood to last us the winter. 

We went and saw the Nutcracker, courtesy of some free tickets from the Fogles. The girls loved it!

The girls had their annual Winter Dance recital and did a great job!

Friends over for gingerbread houses! The Baxters

Exercising my creative muscles and earning my keep by painting the gym wall and making soap for people's Christmas presents. 

Richie and I attended the annual American Construction Supply Christmas retreat in McCall. It's the nicest thing they do for their employees all year. We look forward to night to ourselves at a swanky hotel in the mountains, good food, and we usually win a good prize. :) 

We experienced a few firsts as homesteaders. We always thought it would be fun to raise an Easter Ham, a Thanksgiving Turkey, and a Christmas Goose. So on Christmas Eve day, Richie butchered our goose and one of our pigs. We were so blessed to have our neighbor Scott Beckle come down to show Richie the ropes and lend him some equipment. He could only stay for a little while since it was Christmas Eve Day, so then Richie relied on Youtube. Big learning experience! The goose was not as delicious as I expected it to be, but that probably had something to do with the way I prepared it. We worked hard in between opening presents and other Christmas festivities processing the pig. It was supremely delicious. 

Other Homeschool and Homstead Scenes, including donating goods to a local shelter here with the Fogles. 

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...