Sunday, October 2, 2022

Second Half of September 2021

 I have wanted to hold a clothing swap for a long time. I tried it once many year ago and it bombed. I was so excited when some friends in the ward mentioned wanting to do one! I've really enjoyed getting to know Clarissa and AesaLina better this summer. We've had regular park play dates and it's been so fun for us and our kids. We asked for clothing donations online and got quite a bit! Friday night we went and organized it all, then Saturday we put a sign up on the chalkboard in front of the church that said, "FREE CLOTHES". I loved picking out clothes for my kids that I needed without feeling rushed. I loved hanging out with Clarissa and AesaLina, and I loved that so many people came and left with free clothes they needed. 

Homeschool hike to Celebration Park with a few other ladies in the ward. Only 2 other young children came, and the hike wasn't really so much a hike as it was a walk around and climb on rocks for a little while. But the kids liked exploring somewhere they hadn't been before. Me too! I liked chatting with Lacy, Jill and Stephanie more too!

Our last chicken harvest day of the year. This was the first time we did it completely on our own with no other helpers. We butchered 20 something Freedom Rangers, and got another 100-ish pounds of chicken. I had to get more involved with the eviscerating process and feel like I have a pretty good handle on it. Not my favorite job though. Gwen supervised the younger boys inside and was our official bagger/weigher/recorder. She did it all on her own like a champ! Miles was mostly in charge of collecting the chickens, scalding and plucking. Lindy helped wherever she was needed. I was proud of us.

Miles had a football game all the way up in McCall! It was a good game-they won. Miles was paired up with this giant, aggressive kid. Miles held his own, and in between plays they were giving each other first bumps. :) Gwen got carsick twice on the drive. We did manage to get yummy ice cream in McCall, but then we had to haul back down the mountain so Richie and I could get to our date that night.

Richie and I went to a swing dance with a live band held in the Warhawk Air museum. So cool! It was pricey, but so worth it. Next year, we are totally dressing up. Most people were in period costumes.  We were probably the only people there who knew how to actually swing dance. We are getting older and slower on the dance floor, but we still managed to win Best Dancers after a small competition! We came away with a year pass to the museum! We're excited to take our kids. 

Finally found a farm with tomatoes! They let the little boys and I into their greenhouse to pick, since they didn't have any ready, and thus charged us less per pound! We all worked on sauce the next day during school and I got a some spaghetti sauce made, but I would gladly take triple the amount. Just no tomatoes anywhere this year!

Extras: Lindy found a quiet reading place at the library, Benson got himself some sweet Pokemon face paint via Gwen, decoration our porch for Fall, Lindy and Davy on the swing, Henry and Davy at co-op, Another eggplant with a face that we just had to give eyes too. It turned into a weeklong game of hiding the eggplant in unlikely places. Whoever found it got to hide it again. 

Scenes from the homestead:

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...