Sunday, October 2, 2022

First Half of September 2021

 Benson turned 5!! He is really growing and maturing at lightning speed these days it feels like. His mischievous side is still there no doubt, but it is slowly taking a back seat to his sweet side...and sometimes his stubborn side. He frequently tells me how much he loves me and thinks he's going to marry me when he grows up. When Miles had the same thought, I broke the news to him and he was heartbroken. With Benson, I'm just letting him think it will work out that way and all is well. :) He loves to kiss me on the lips in front of Richie and say, "See Dad!! Now we're married and she's mine!!"

He got his #5 pancake, and then spent the morning making a marshmallow catapult with Miles. When the Fogle's came over for co-op, we had a giant marshmallow fight! He loved getting cards in the mail from grandparents! We waited till that Sunday to have his "official" party because we had more time over the weekend. He was very specific about his cake. He wanted it to be a marshmallow chocolate cake on the inside, and a prehistoric marine reptile cake on the outside. Tall order! The cake was so rich, everyone could only take a sliver. He also requested sweet and sour chicken for dinner. (That's becoming the tradition it seems!) We facetimed with lots of the Garner fam and they sang him Happy Birthday. He opened his presents, the biggest one being a bigger bike. But I think the hot wheels race track and the Whowassit game have gotten more attention so far. That night he and I stayed up later after everyone had gone to bed, to watch a movie of his choosing. He wanted to watch "Home Alone 3". :) I hope he felt pretty special. 

Chicken harvest day! Richie's cousin Dallin came over to help, which was awesome. We are getting a little better at this process every time. This week we processed about 23 Cornish cross birds and harvested about 100 pounds of chicken- plus lots of amazing broth.

Bribing the boys to stay well behaved while I waited in line for my 2nd covid shot. Such mixed feelings about it all. I was adamant I was not going to get it. But a once in a lifetime trip to Italy with my family trumped my stubbornness.  Here we go!

Benson had his first day of preschool with Miss Cherri Cherry (yes that is her real name). I was thrilled he got into this preschool after being on the wait list for 2 years! She lives 5 minutes away from us and does it in her house.  Such a better fit than the rec center for our family. I think he's really enjoying it!

Homeschool group studying Volcanoes, so we obviously had to do coke and mentor explosions.

Richie was gone all week for inventory at work. It's hard being away from him. The girls knew it was hard for me, so one day during quiet time they pampered me in a big way. They rubbed my hands and feet with lotion, did my hair and make up, picked out a nice outfit for me (so that I would look nice for dad when he finally came home  that night :) ) What thoughtful girls I have!

Benson doing his chores that day (collecting eggs) turned into playing in the barn and jumping on the tramp in the rain. :) 

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...