Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I can't believe this is happening this week!

"Gwen is turning 1 one Thursday!" I say to myself.
"Really?" I question, "Are you sure?"

I'm baffled at how fast the first year goes, even though it seems like she's always been a part of our lives. Did we ever just have one child? How can it really be that just a year ago, Gwen was a chubby 9lb 3oz helpless baby, and now she's forming all sorts of opinions, learning new things everyday and walking everywhere? I think I must have blinked. Some of her latest accomplishments include:
Walking everywhere with confidence
"Folding" her arms for prayers
Thinking that every animal growls
Pointing when she hears something, like birds outside
Throwing full on tantrums, complete with screaming, throwing her head back and going limp.
Knowing when things are hot and "signing" it
Initiating Peek-a-boo
Testing out the "point and grunt" method

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude that she is our "Baby Gwen", as Miles still affectionately calls her. When she was still in my tummy, I could just sense what a sweet spirit Miss Gwendalyn Louise had. And although she is surely gaining some spunk and giving us a little grief (can the "terrible twos" start at one?), she is definitely my sweet girl. We plan on having our Rexburg family over for dinner and cake on Sunday to celebrate. Following is a sequence of my favorite pictures of Gwen from her first year. Scrolling through these pictures is about as fast as it has seemed to go to me. Crazy, crazy. Happy Birthday baby girl!


Makenna said...

Happy birthday gwen!!!!

Becca said...

Oh my goodness, what a cutie! That last picture makes me want to nibble on those thighs. Happy Birthday Gwen! We love you!

Torgersons said...

She truly is so darling. Why does the first year have to go so fast? Why?! It stinks, and yet it doesn't...Happy birthday, Baby Gwen.

Katie said...

She sure is a pretty little lady!! Times flies!!

mylyn wood said...

I swear the 2nd baby grows twice as fast! Such a sweet girl! Happy Birthday Gwen!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

She's had quite a wonderful first year of life and she just gets cuter and cuter with each post! Give her a hug and kiss from G&G C.

The Wallace Family said...

So stinkin' cute. Happy 1st Birthday Gwen! I hope TAysom gave you a big hug and kiss from your Aunt Jenn

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...