Tuesday, January 9, 2018

3rd-ish week in December

It's all running together now. So, exact dates for these happenings aren't going to happen. Sometime in December. Good enough, eh?

Joy School Group again with Lindy's friends. I still don't feel like I'm getting it right, which is frustrating since this ain't my first rodeo...oh well. Lindy's enjoying it, which is the main reason I signed on.

Our friend's the Andersons invited us to go to a Mommy and Me music class they go to. It was mostly geared toward little kids, but Miles and Gwen decided they mostly enjoyed it, but don't want to do it again. :) Lindy got out of her shell a little and actually participated. Benson made it really hard. What else is new?

"Hey Mom! I made us lunch!"-Miles

"Sisters, Sisters...There were never such devoted Sisters..."

Richie and I had a real treat. BYU had a live jazz band playing for a themed swing night. Tucker and Belen agreed to watch our kids for us, and Richie and I got all "dolled-up" and danced until my shoes broke! They are 10 year old shoes, and they have been limping along, but I think they finally kicked the bucket that night. These aren't the best quality pictures, but it must be documented that we did this! He ran into some old swing friends, who all agreed the band was more "dixieland" and less swing, which was kind of a downer. We tried to determine at what point we'll be so old that our skills won't be as great...Cause we've still got it! And although it's prideful, we do kind of love it when people come up to us and ask us to teach them, or say that we're awesome. :)

Another Dance Recital for Gwen!

Decorating our gingerbread house. My kids can't wait until I allow them to eat the candy off it. Am I the only one that doesn't get this? I never grew up eating the candy off the gingerbread house. It gets all old and stale....anyway.

Bye-bye 10 year old computer. It was FULL of dust inside. Yuck. That was the first big thing Richie and I bought. I was a little sad to see it go, but grateful that upgrading a little didn't cost as much as we were expecting. Whew!

Brothers! Miles just came into my room like this one day. I don't know how he managed to get Benson on his shoulders, but he was very proud. Made me a little nervous. :)

We went caroling as a homeschool group to some people in Makenna's ward up in SLC. We've done some sort of caroling as a group for the past couple of years, and it's always something to look forward to.

I finished a blanket for a Christmas gift. I tried a new technique and really enjoyed it.

Caleb and Brendan had birthdays and we got to celebrate with them!

We had a Mexican Christmas dinner with the Beckstroms the weekend before Christmas. It was yummy and so fun to get together with friends.

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...