I'm not one of those girls who walks out of the hospital after giving birth in her regular jeans. In fact, I barely walked out in my sweats. "Who cares", I thought, "if I gained some extra weight. It will all melt off magically once I start nursing, right?" *Cricket chirps* "RIGHT? Please someone tell me it will come off and I can fit into my regular clothes again???" Sadly, this was not the case. True, a lot of it did come off in a few months due to water weight and yes, nursing. But there were those pesky inches that kept me in my maternity clothes and buying bigger sizes than ever. I know a lot of ladies lose the weight in a matter of a few months. Like I said...I'm not one of those girls.

But I'm happy to report that about a bazillion salads and countless stairs climbed, I am at pre-pregnancy weight and pre-pregnancy clothes. I'm not going to kid myself and say I'm not bragging or being proud, cause gosh-dangit, I am! And I expect all the comments on this post to be flowery words of congratulations and much praise. I'd like to thank the academy, South Beach Diet, Richie, for doing much of the diet with me and watching Miles while I went to the gym, and loving me at post and pre pregnancy weight, The Biggest Loser, for getting me pumped up to go to the gym and all the little people. I won't forget you. And remember, if I can do it, anyone can do it.

BUT...(Of course there is a but, albeit a somewhat smaller butt) my lovely, large, bigger-than-average head son caused my ribs and my hips to spread out significantly. Therefore, I am still on my quest to keep losing weight. I would LOVE to hear how you guys have lost your weight. (Pregnancy related or not) to keep me motivated and give me some fresh perspective and ideas.
Happy Gym-ing!
Way to go Rachel! losing weight is one of the hardest things to do in this life. I hear it's because our bodies become friends with our fat. But it always feels so good to beat the odds and just do it! Congrats!
Yay! Congrats!!
bravo to you! it IS hard. I thought that I wouldn't gain much weight during my pregnancy because my mother didn't but I gained quite a bit. I was horrified that I didn't lose it all quickly and even though now I'm at below prepregnancy weight and fit into my clothes, I STILL have some work ahead of me if I want to get the old self back! in short, I'm not one of those girls either!
Congrats are defiantly in order. What an accomplishment. Those celeb moms make it look all to easy. I am still not at my prepregnancy weight, but I am at my prepregnancy size. I do Juillian Michaels 30 day shred and yoga from Yogatic.com. Juillian is a mean little girl but she kicked my butt into shape. Literally.
Awesome job! My motivation was being a bridesmaid for my friend's wedding 4 months after I gave birth...unfortunately I still didn't fit into my bridesmaid dress (I had to buy it when I was 5 months pregnant), but with some help I was able to get an insert added to wear it still.
So that motivation helped me lose most of mine plus we bought the Wii Fit as my presents. That game really helped me because it was fun and some of the things I could do while holding James. (If you ever want to come over and try it, let me know!) After the wedding I sort of lost motivation, but nursing has really helped me too.My body still isn't the same, but oh well.
Thanks for the info about Mall on Main Street...I looked at it before they opened online so I'll have to check on more info now that they are open.
You deserve accolades by the boat load! Coming from one who knows.....and needs to lose the weight AGAIN!
Rachel, I have to tell you that I'm super impressed! I HATE scales and I don't have one, but after seeing how much I've gained since getting married I think I should buy one. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to pre-pregnancy and pre-marriage weight after the baby. Good for you!!!!!! I hope I can be as dedicated as you since I'm not one of "those girls" either. :)
with ya there rach. i have to work out to lose the weight too. i p90x it! if your ever interested i can get one for you on the dc craigslist for half price. smile. keep it on keep it on. some of us girls are just lucky enough to have to work out our whole lives! but once you embrace the fact that you do--it's really not so bad.
Way to go Rach! It gets even harder with number two. The best advice I've heard is maintain healthy eating and exercise habits before, during and after your pregnancies (which sounds like always to me). Makes sense!
Way to go kiddo! I'm glad to hear the South Beach diet worked for you. A lot of the folks 'round here are on the HcG diet, ironically enough. It supposedly resets your metabolism so that it is faster, and it seems to have worked for a lot of people.
My advice-stay pregnant all the time then you won't really notice that you aren't losing weight because you aren't supposed to when you are prego. :)
Shmagratulations!!! Is that flowery enough for you? Shmagratulations Sweetcheeks!
As far as further ideas - ZUMBA - zumba baby!
Can't wait to see you guys!
Congrats!! That's awesome!! It takes a lot of work and you SHOULD be proud of it!
I'm not one of "those girls" either. Well, yes and no. I got back to my pre-preg weight pretty fast, but I never lost the flab. So I still looked fat. The distribution was SO much looser after having a baby! I'm really hoping to tone up after this one!
YAY!! You are so awesome!! I'm so happy for you!
Woot woot!!! You rock my freaking word! Here is a challenge for you ;) may 2010 stg triahlon?! Something to work towards always helps me! I'm struggling to get the last 15 off! Its killing slowly... Pray for my survival lol! Ps I love you!
At one point of my life I was anorexic and I've done tons of research on exercise and health. One thing for sure is to stay motivated which is really the hardest thing and I'm so impressed you did because that's my biggest kicker. The other thing is 70 % is what you eat and 20% is how much you exercise so make sure you're being careful with what you eat and I'm so proud of you because you're doing so well!! My question with salads... I can't eat one without dressing.... what kind of dressings do you use? Then the other thing is that our bodies are so dumb and they reach plateaus really easily so if you're doing a ton of the same thing it won't work. Also is weight training part of your plan? That's important as well. You probably knew all of these things, but that's really it and it's really hard and I've been trying to lose great amounts of weight FOREVER and it's never worked so I hope maybe I can have your kind of goals and do it too!
Rach - You ROCK!!!! in so many areas! I love you like crazy ;)I really look up to my adorable little sister.
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