The other night, we made some "gingerbread houses" with our friends the Christensens. The girls definitely had more fun with it than the boys, but I guess that's expected right? Can't you just see their excitement?? We had 1 cottage, 1 government housing complex and 1 stunningly accurate replica of Stonehenge, lovingly re-named grahamhenge. Who says you have to make a house? :)
I also thought I'd post a Christmas video here to get in the spirit. I haven't posted a "Mormon Message" in a while, so I figure this is overdue. This version of "Silent Night" is one of my all-time favorites. The spirit seems to be present immediately when they sing. Being a parent, even for a short amount of time, has taught and re-taught me some very important lessons, and one of those is a fresh perspective on Christmas and Heavenly Father's role in that sacred night. I'm so grateful for the 'good tidings of great joy' for which we celebrate this season.
I swear he does make the cut! He does!!! I just didn't even think about a picture I had of him!! I'm so sorry! I swear I love baby miles, he's the sweetest baby and I love him!!!
Tess and I watched this together and she said "this is a beautiful song." Then when I pointed out Pres. Monson, she asked if that was his house, and asked if he lives in a castle. Thanks for sharing.
you guys never fail to make me smile with your pictures of you! Your hair is getting so long Rachel! pretty :) I love how Rich and Miles are unfazed by the whole evening, thus their "excited" faces in the pic :) Can't wait to see you all in a couple weeks!!!
Sure would like to make a gingerbread house! Yours turned out so cute!
Loved the TBC video/music! At the end of each Christmas season I seldom feel I've listened to enough Christmas Carols....especially of the sacred variety.
Thanks for helping me to get into the Christmas Spirit!
Love you! Come soon!
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