Sunday, November 1, 2009

Here's the Halloween Post

I figure everyone will be making a similar post early this week, so here's ours! Halloween has never been one of my favorite holidays. It seemed to me, an excuse for girls to dress like ladies of the night, guys to buy cheap, tacky masks and scare children, and over-aged punks thinking they can show up at your door and expect candy. Not that I never enjoyed Halloween, but if I had a choice between it and say...Thanksgiving, I would choose Thanksgiving. This year I was finally warming up to Halloween and accepting it as not just a tacky holiday, but the ushering in of actual fall and all things cinnamon and warm. I even tried to celebrate it throughout the month and got a few awesome new decorations. Then, on Saturday, I went to IF to go grocery shopping, and I remembered why I don't like Halloween. I saw a woman, who in an attempt to cross-dress painted a beard on her face, and that was it. Weird. A mother with her son, dressed a level below "whore", and countless other half-effort costumes that reeked of adjectives like cliche, tacky, creepy and crazy.
However, our little family DID enjoy Halloween in a fun and traditional manner. We went to our ward trunk-or-treat where we showed off Miles' bat costume, that turned out so good!(I got the idea from my sister. We just bought him some black sweats and a black long sleeved shirt. He had black mittens and a beanie. I cut out ears and wings from black foam, hot glued pipe cleaners around them, put buttons in the ears and safety pinned them to his clothes. The foam was hashed by the end of the night, but it's a great, cheap costume idea with re-usable clothes!) We gave him his first taste of candy (a dumdum sucker), and he promptly threw it all up on the pavement. Then we went to our friend's house for their annual Halloween party! It was such a good time. Since it started at Miles' bedtime, we brought his pack-n-play and got to stay the whole time! Long enough to play Halloween Bingo, eat lots of sweets, make masks, and watch "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken". Such a good show!
Anyway, hope you all enjoyed your all Hallows Eve.
Next Post: Our kick-off to celebrate the forgotten holiday: Thanksgiving.


Becca said...

Miles is such a cute bat! Making Halloween costumes is so fun. I had no idea you were the tin man one year. As you know that is also a very cheap and easy costume to make. Now about Thanksgiving, what are your plans? Are you guys still considering Missouri?? We miss your cute little family. :)

One Opinionated Housewife said...

Miles looked so cute in that costume, and once again, props to you Rach for making it. I agree with you though, Halloween has never been on e of my favorite holidays, but this year was a lot of fun cause the kids are old enough to really get into it. The thing that they loved most was handing out candy to kids from home.

Natalie said...

The shoes are from Christensen's of course!! Your little guy is so cute!

McKenna said...

I love Miles costume. You are so talented.

Makenna said...

Yeah to dress up the little kids! LOVE the costume Rachel! Poor Miles looks like he's not feeling so good in this picture :( I hope he's doing ok! Miss you guys, and I agree that it is time to move on to THANKSGIVING!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

I love everything about Halloween that's fun, cute, or yummy. But, like you, I can do without the creepy, gross, and devilish. So, it was a sad day for me when our boys refused to let me make them "cute" costumes and went instead for alien monster heads, etc. I hope Miles will never outgrow "cute", but just in case.... enjoy it while you can!

Good job on the costume!

Shelley said...

I LOVE his costume!!! You are so creative!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...