Thursday, March 19, 2009


The craziest thing happened the other day. Richie has a mission buddy who has been temporarily living up here managing the storage units his parents built. Well, he and his wife wanted to move back to Arizona, and Richie ran into him the other day at work and mentioned that we would be interested in managing. The next day, we were to go over to the storage units to be interviewed by his mom. After a few minutes, she said that if it sounded good to us, we were in! Woah! The deal is that we live in the on site apartment and I deal with customers from 9-5 and Richie helps me plow snow in the winter, and we get free rent, utilities and many amenities. After more units start being rented, we will also be paid. We have been praying for an opportunity like this for quite some time. Every time we do our budget and see how much money is going to rent, it just makes us sick. We were hoping to maybe manage an apartment complex, but this works so much better. Now all the money we would be paying for rent, we can save, maybe even for a down payment on a house. We are only moving about 5 minutes away, right on the outskirts of Rexburg, but technically in the town of Sugar City. (even smaller than Rexburg, if you can believe it :) Jill (the owner) has it set up where I can stay in the apartment all day if I wanted and answer the phone from there, and there is a bell to tell me when a customer comes in. This business rents storage units, uhauls and sells packing material. I'm a little nervous, but once I get into the swing of it, I'm sure I'll be fine. Another thing I'm stressing over is switching wards. I know it's a natural time to transition into a family ward, but I sure love our married student ward. I'm really attached, but I know change is good... we'll see.
Here's the kicker....are you ready for this? We need to be moved in a week and a half!! We really could have stretched it and moved in later, but that means paying another months rent for only living here for part of the month and, the sooner we move in, the sooner the family can get back to AZ. We're doing each other favors here. So last night I went and got some boxes. Oh joy. To me, moving is one big hassle. But it will be worth it. The apartment we'll be living in is probably twice as big as the one we're in now. 2 full bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, a big kitchen/dining/living room area, laundry room, and tons of storage! It even has an actual coat closet, can you believe it? No more throwing coats on the back of the recliner! So, for those of you coming up in April for Miles' blessing, we'll have more room for you!
The end


Kara said...

Wonderful news! I love that you have been specifically praying for this kind of situation. Thanks for your example!

Kelly and I just went to our new ward last week. (We're also moving from a very young ward.) It was wonderful! We felt so at home and I know that we are in the right place. I felt that our particular talents and service are needed there. I hope you have a similarlly good experience with your transition.

One Opinionated Housewife said...

That is very exciting news. I'm excited to see your new pad.

Becca said...

We're really going to miss you in the ward- but that's sure exciting news for you! What an awesome opportunity. Rent is killing us too!

Sara said...

Wow, what an awesome opportunity! We'll miss you, but I'd jump at that chance, too. Rent is hard on us as well. If you need help packing or anything, just let me know. I'm home with Emma all day, so I'm available all the time (except naps when John's not home).

Hattie Blaser said...

What storage units are they? We are renting a unit out that direction and I was just wondering if it was the same place. If you need any help moving let me know and Shaun and I can come help. My phone number is 208-390-6321.

sam said...

Yay for you moving! I hope it went ok :)

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...