Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Gwen's Baptism and Davy's Blessing Day

I wish I could say that I planned the timing of Gwen's baptism and Davy's blessing being on the same day on purpose. But I didn't, it just worked out that way. Happy accident! It made the weekend extra special and killed 2 birds with one stone. Simplified things.

Gwen had been looking forward to her baptism for such a long time. She was so excited, and she was ready. There were 2 other kids from our ward getting baptized that day, as well as a bunch of other stake baptisms happening. So the stake center was hoppin that day. The other 2 children getting baptized also had lots of family support, so it was crowded. Gwen got to choose her witnesses(Grandpa Crosby and Grandpa Garner), the closing song (I feel my Savior's Love) and who gave the talk on the Holy Ghost (Grandpa Crosby). I loved meeting her in the bathroom after she was baptized and seeing her huge smile. She got dried off with her new white towel from Grandma Crosby, I helped her get changed, then Grandma Crosby helped me french braid her hair. I was nervous about getting her hair fixed quickly before the confirmation, so I enlisted help. There was something special about braiding my daughter's hair alongside my mother, after that sacred moment. She had a large circle to help confirm her, consisting of both Grandpas, Dad, Uncle Ben, Uncle Chris, Uncle Mike, Uncle Ian, and Uncle Jeffrey. She also had such support from the ward. Her old primary teachers, her piano teacher, primary presidency etc. It made us all feel very loved.

Right after the baptism, we guided everyone to the primary room down the hall to do Davy's blessing. All the same wonderful men that helped confirm Gwen gathered around little Davy. That cute little stinker cried through the whole thing. But I was able to hear more of this blessing, and Richie specifically blessed him to be able to see the truth and avoid moral relativism. Both Grandmas took notes on the blessings, so I'll get those into baby books.

Afterwards, Grandma and Grandpa Garner graciously provided a luncheon for everyone. I had asked to use their home to host everyone, but said we'd provide the food. She wasn't having that :) She insisted on handling the majority of the food and boy was I grateful. One giant stressor off my shoulders for sure. And it was delicious of course!

I am so grateful for friends and family members who made sacrifices to support our family that weekend. We all felt so uplifted and loved. If people are willing to haul themselves and their children 4 hours up north, happily participate, then drive 4 hours back down south...they must love you. And if they spend the afternoon making food for everyone...they must love you. And if they take time out of their day to drop by after the baptism to drop off a gift and tell your daughter how sorry they are that they couldn't make it...they must love you. Etc, Etc, Etc. We are surrounded by good people in our families and in our neighborhood. I'm so grateful for the goodness that is innate within Gwen and Davy. I think they have a special bond, so it seemed fitting that they share this special day together.

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...