Monday, April 29, 2019

Easter Sunday

This Easter was pretty low key. Over the years, we have enjoyed lots of different traditions as we try and focus on the last week of Christ's life. This year we did...nothing. I'm on survival mode I tell ya! We managed to keep up with the scripture reading from "Come Follow Me" and put our pictures of Christ up on our wall. That's it. But by happy accident, we were finishing our almost 2 year memorization of "The Living Christ" that week. Of course memorization is probably not the right term. It took us so long to get through the whole thing, that I don't think any of us could recite the entire thing from memory. So I reminded myself that that wasn't the point. The point was to expose my kids to these inspired words, let them sink deeply into their souls and turn their hearts to Christ. On Easter Morning, I hung up the weekly prompts and we recited the entire thing as a family. And yes, it felt great. More and more, I'm finding I have to let go of the unnecessary stuff, and only do the most important things. That's easier said than done for me most times, but I'm trying.

I had Easter baskets for the kids and made the extra effort to find scavenger hunt clues online. Haha! Super easy, but the kids thought it was awesome since I've only ever just set the baskets out on the table. After church, Richie hid the eggs for the Easter egg hunt inside because it was raining outside. The kids dubbed it the lamest Easter egg hunt ever, all while smiling and running around the house. My favorite moment was watching Miles pull an egg or two out of his basket and putting them in the path of Benson, who was slow to catch on. He was ecstatic! And I was misty eyed, remembering a time when Miles was about 3, at a community Easter egg hunt. He didn't get any eggs, and a kind older boy dropped a few from his bucket on the ground for Miles, who gasped with joy. Time is going so quickly!

After church, we had an awesome Jerusalem/Passover dinner at the Garner's home, as per tradition the last few years. And the kids did their traditional walk with Grandpa around their property trying to find symbols of Christ.

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September 2022

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