Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Day I Rocked As A Mom

I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm extremely humble. You could even say I struggle with insecurities in almost every aspect of my life. :) I feel my best when I know I'm giving 110%, but sometimes...frequently, I don't feel like even that 110% is enough. I feel lacking. I feel like I fall short, a lot. I feel like I'm not enough. So on those choice days when I really, deep-down inside of me, feel like I knocked it out of the park, I'm gonna brag a little. I should have written this post the day of so I could give you minute by minute accounts of my awesomeness. Now that it is more than a week in the past, the details are hazy at best.

September 1, 2014

6am: Woke up before the kids (woah) so I could read my scriptures. Laid back down and rested until Miles came in to wake me up. The first thing he said to me was "Hey mom! Are you ready to work hard today?" *parenting bonus
8ish am: Made the kids a healthy breakfast, got everyone dressed and ready.
10am: Officially started homeschool while nursing Lindy. (Multi-tasker extraordinaire. Double awesome)
1015am: Realized, "Hey, this homeschooling thing isn't so hard. Maybe I can actually do this!"
1130: wrap up math and reading, and let the kids outside for "recess" while I hang up clothes on the line. The kids help.
1200pm: Richie stops in from outside chores (it's labor day so he hasn't been at work) and he says, "So how it's going?" I throw my arms up in the air and say, "It's great! I can totally do this!" He smiles and hugs me and says, "Of course you can! See you just needed to start!"
130pm: Lunch, quiet time for Miles and Gwen. One-on-one time with Lindy.
230pm: Lindy goes down for a nap, I eat lunch and probably do something else awesome like fold laundry while watching Chopped.
4ishpm: Get to work on dinner. 90% of what we ate that night came from our garden. Boo-Yah!
530ish pm: FHE Short and sweet
6ish-830 pm: I think the kids watched a movie, we probably read books somewhere in there, maybe threw in a bath time, tucked in the kids and realized I hadn't majorly lost my temper with them all day! Went to the gym. Came back, watched a show with the hubs, went to bed.

And there you have it. This day shall go down in the history books folks. Whether or not I knock it out of the park, by 8pm I'm exhausted; deep in my bones, on a cellular level exhausted. I may even be tired enough to start waking up early to exercise rather than waiting till bed time for the kids. Gasp! That's a game changer. I've always tried to work hard as a wife and a mother, and I've always been tired to some level since we started this crazy journey, but not like this. Lately I feel like Motherhood is just having all the selfishness voluntarily beat out of you every day...and then you do it again. I feel so fulfilled and content with my fabulous life, but that doesn't mean I'd reject a hot bath and a book every night if that was an option. Cheers to all you moms out there.


Torgersons said...

I've always thought about homeschooling but have never been serious about it. You're amazing to take on this endeavor! I loved what you said about teachers never loving your kids like you love them. I've had that thought many times. Are you using any sort of program or anything to help you at home? Home school as an option is still in the back of my mind. We need to chat!

Shelley said...

I love the comment "Lately I feel like Motherhood is just having all the selfishness voluntarily beat out of you every day...and then you do it again." Adjusting to 3 kids has been a challenge for me in every way. I love seeing days like this and you have every right to brag. Way to go Rachel! You are such a wonderful mom!

Callahan's said...

Go Rachel! I'm glad you documented this day :) It's inspiring! Ha! I have the same question as Jessica. Are you using any kind of program for homeschooling or have you planned all on your own? I've never been able to wrap my mind around homeschooling but I'm so curious about it. I graduated in El Ed too and love a lot of things about public school but also fully support families who homeschool!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Another essay worthy of publication. Wish more people had access to your blog! You ROCK as a mom EVERYDAY! And you will rock as a homeschooler too! The kids are so lucky to have you!

The Wallace Family said...

I think this post should be titled, "The Day I Realized I Rocked As a Mom" or "The Day I Actually Felt Like I Rocked As a Mom" because you rock as a mom every day. In fact you kick butt as a mom every day!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...