I'm pulling one of my signature moves tonight. "Oh, I'll only be up until I finish _____." Next thing I know, it's 2am and I'm still kickin'. Tonight the reasons were legitimate. Those grapes weren't going to juice themselves. And it ended up taking a LOT longer than I expected. What better way to pass the time than to catch up on some blogging?
Here is Gwen on her first official day of joy school. She has watched Miles go for 2 years now. The first year she kind of tagged along, but last year she was so jealous that Miles got to go all on his own. She was beyond excited that it was her turn. She talked about it all summer. I just love her smile here in this picture. Gwen is so full of life! She's talkative and enthusiastic and emotional and HAPPY! She feels things 100%, whether it be good or bad (usually good), her feelings are extreme. Sure love her.
We hosted our homeschool group one week. We decided to focus on values or character qualities we want our children to develop this year, in each lesson. I chose creativity. I think it turned out pretty well. Here are the kids holding up their creations. (A big pile of recycling materials always come in handy, right?) Oh and a bonus picture of Mr. Caleb. :)
Kid cuteness. Here we have Gwen showing Lindy all about the finer things in life.
Next, we have Lindy showing you how she made the transition from hating solid foods to loving it. She has a major sweet tooth we're trying to work around. Wonder where she got that from?
This is a painting Miles did and I just got such a kick out of it for some reason. He gave it to Aunt Makenna, so I snapped a picture before it left the house. Can you tell what it is? A penguin! Ha! Cutest little penguin I've ever seen.
A recent FHE to visit the Oquirrh Mountain temple grounds. The kids wouldn't stop "posing".
I'm getting more and more comfortable with homeschooling. We're coming up on almost a month, so you could say we're pretty pro by now. ;) We do lots of workbook type activities, but some days, homeschool looks like this: Brown Bear, M&M Math and making wrapping paper for art. :) I'm diggin' it.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The Crosbys come to Riverton
Our nephew Theo was baptized recently! They live in Iowa, but because he has cousins that were also getting baptized that live here, they held a joint baptism and we got to attend! We were so happy to see so much of our family, even if it was a quick trip. We were so happy to spend a good chunk of time with Ben and Becca and their family while they stayed at our house. Miles and Gwen were in heaven with 4 more playmates, (and 1 DS, courtesy of Theo). And from now on, I'm just going to copy and paste the phrase, "I wish I would have taken more pictures", and put it with almost every post. Here are a few I got. My favorite though is definitely the one of Gwen and Adeline playing dress up. :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
The Day I Rocked As A Mom
I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm extremely humble. You could even say I struggle with insecurities in almost every aspect of my life. :) I feel my best when I know I'm giving 110%, but sometimes...frequently, I don't feel like even that 110% is enough. I feel lacking. I feel like I fall short, a lot. I feel like I'm not enough. So on those choice days when I really, deep-down inside of me, feel like I knocked it out of the park, I'm gonna brag a little. I should have written this post the day of so I could give you minute by minute accounts of my awesomeness. Now that it is more than a week in the past, the details are hazy at best.
September 1, 2014
6am: Woke up before the kids (woah) so I could read my scriptures. Laid back down and rested until Miles came in to wake me up. The first thing he said to me was "Hey mom! Are you ready to work hard today?" *parenting bonus
8ish am: Made the kids a healthy breakfast, got everyone dressed and ready.
10am: Officially started homeschool while nursing Lindy. (Multi-tasker extraordinaire. Double awesome)
1015am: Realized, "Hey, this homeschooling thing isn't so hard. Maybe I can actually do this!"
1130: wrap up math and reading, and let the kids outside for "recess" while I hang up clothes on the line. The kids help.
1200pm: Richie stops in from outside chores (it's labor day so he hasn't been at work) and he says, "So how it's going?" I throw my arms up in the air and say, "It's great! I can totally do this!" He smiles and hugs me and says, "Of course you can! See you just needed to start!"
130pm: Lunch, quiet time for Miles and Gwen. One-on-one time with Lindy.
230pm: Lindy goes down for a nap, I eat lunch and probably do something else awesome like fold laundry while watching Chopped.
4ishpm: Get to work on dinner. 90% of what we ate that night came from our garden. Boo-Yah!
530ish pm: FHE Short and sweet
6ish-830 pm: I think the kids watched a movie, we probably read books somewhere in there, maybe threw in a bath time, tucked in the kids and realized I hadn't majorly lost my temper with them all day! Went to the gym. Came back, watched a show with the hubs, went to bed.
And there you have it. This day shall go down in the history books folks. Whether or not I knock it out of the park, by 8pm I'm exhausted; deep in my bones, on a cellular level exhausted. I may even be tired enough to start waking up early to exercise rather than waiting till bed time for the kids. Gasp! That's a game changer. I've always tried to work hard as a wife and a mother, and I've always been tired to some level since we started this crazy journey, but not like this. Lately I feel like Motherhood is just having all the selfishness voluntarily beat out of you every day...and then you do it again. I feel so fulfilled and content with my fabulous life, but that doesn't mean I'd reject a hot bath and a book every night if that was an option. Cheers to all you moms out there.
September 1, 2014
6am: Woke up before the kids (woah) so I could read my scriptures. Laid back down and rested until Miles came in to wake me up. The first thing he said to me was "Hey mom! Are you ready to work hard today?" *parenting bonus
8ish am: Made the kids a healthy breakfast, got everyone dressed and ready.
10am: Officially started homeschool while nursing Lindy. (Multi-tasker extraordinaire. Double awesome)
1015am: Realized, "Hey, this homeschooling thing isn't so hard. Maybe I can actually do this!"
1130: wrap up math and reading, and let the kids outside for "recess" while I hang up clothes on the line. The kids help.
1200pm: Richie stops in from outside chores (it's labor day so he hasn't been at work) and he says, "So how it's going?" I throw my arms up in the air and say, "It's great! I can totally do this!" He smiles and hugs me and says, "Of course you can! See you just needed to start!"
130pm: Lunch, quiet time for Miles and Gwen. One-on-one time with Lindy.
230pm: Lindy goes down for a nap, I eat lunch and probably do something else awesome like fold laundry while watching Chopped.
4ishpm: Get to work on dinner. 90% of what we ate that night came from our garden. Boo-Yah!
530ish pm: FHE Short and sweet
6ish-830 pm: I think the kids watched a movie, we probably read books somewhere in there, maybe threw in a bath time, tucked in the kids and realized I hadn't majorly lost my temper with them all day! Went to the gym. Came back, watched a show with the hubs, went to bed.
And there you have it. This day shall go down in the history books folks. Whether or not I knock it out of the park, by 8pm I'm exhausted; deep in my bones, on a cellular level exhausted. I may even be tired enough to start waking up early to exercise rather than waiting till bed time for the kids. Gasp! That's a game changer. I've always tried to work hard as a wife and a mother, and I've always been tired to some level since we started this crazy journey, but not like this. Lately I feel like Motherhood is just having all the selfishness voluntarily beat out of you every day...and then you do it again. I feel so fulfilled and content with my fabulous life, but that doesn't mean I'd reject a hot bath and a book every night if that was an option. Cheers to all you moms out there.
Monday, September 8, 2014
We Are Official Homeschoolers Now
I've been thinking about writing this post for such a long time. Should I write it? Should I not? What should I include? Well, it's time to do some explaining. Here we go!
My entire life I thought homeschoolers were backwards and weird. What this was based on, I have no idea. I have no recollection of ever meeting someone who was or had been homeschooled. Then I met Richie and liked him immediately. When I found out he had been homeschooled, I was totally surprised! He wasn't ultra-religious, dirty, obsessed with dungeons and dragons....none of the tell-tale signs! Once we were dating seriously and I met his brothers and sister, I was equally floored! Not only were they un-weird, they excelled and were more well-adjusted than most kids their age.
We got married and had a baby. Stuff got real. I actually had to think about this tiny life that we would help form and guide. What would his education be like? "We probably won't homeschool", was my immediate thought. "It's just not for me. I LOVED public school for the most part, I got a degree to teach in a public school. Won't I want a break from my kids when they get older?" And on and on.
It's funny how my perspective changed and how Heavenly Father worked on me. Also, Richie played it so well. He knew that if he insisted on homeschooling our kids, I would flat out refuse. I can be kind of stubborn. I went from thinking, "No way!" to "Well, I can see how some people would like homeschooling." to "I think I might enjoy certain aspects of it." to "We are definitely going to homeschool, and I can't believe I ever thought any differently!" I studied and prayed like you wouldn't believe. Richie let me bounce ideas off him, listen to my questions and rants, and said nothing. (Well played, husband.) Miles turned 4 and I thought, "Ok, I need to be serious about this now. I need to make a choice." Whenever people asked about what our plans were, I tiptoed around the issue and left it up in the air. Once I finally said, "We're planning on homeschooling our kids" out loud, it was like I could feel the peace washing over me. Even though I knew it would be hard and a completely new experience, I felt like I had found out the will of the Lord for our family, and He was going to support us in it.
FAQ's :)
*Are you homeschooling because you feel pressure from your In-Laws?
Nope. I obviously know where they stand on the issue, but they have never once said, "You should do this Rachel, it's so much better" Or anything like that. I kick against the pricks enough that even if they had said they wanted me to homeschool their grandchildren, I probably would have put them in public school...just because. :) This decision had to be made entirely by Richie and I. It's WAY too much work to do, just to please someone else. Nope, this is what WE feel is best for our family right now.
*What do you think about the public school system? Are you against it?
I think the public school system is broken. I really loved going to school, but sometimes I hated certain things that happened. That's going to happen anywhere though, no matter where or how you are schooled. However, I think a lot of things are different in the school system now. In my opinion, it's getting progressively worse. All that being said, I'm not against it. I've confirmed with Richie over and over again, that if I start going crazy or if the kids aren't getting what they need, we will put them in public school, and that's ok. I can either be a great homeschool mom, or a great public school mom. Right now, I'm choosing to do my best to be a great homeschool mom. We'll see what our kids need on a year-to-year basis. At this point, I'd prefer to homeschool all the way through high school. But I don't have a crystal ball and who knows what our family will need in 10 years. That's where praying like crazy and personal revelation comes in.
*Did you choose to homeschool because of common core/religious reasons/you want to control their lives?
1. No, no, and....no. :) I don't particularly like common core, but that didn't really factor into my decision. I'll be honest, I don't really relish the idea that the government is ultimately in control of what my kid is learning, if they go to public school. I don't think I really trust big corporations, government officials, or people that have never taught in a classroom to be in control of what my kid learns. But even with all of that, no, that is not why we chose to homeschool. Yes, it's a factor, but not even the biggest one. 2. I am looking forward to incorporating learning by the spirit and bringing church into school, but that wasn't a deciding factor either. 3.The last one concerns me. I really do not want to control their whole lives. But let's face it, if I'm the primary caregiver/teacher/tutor/etc I will have a lot of control. This scares me on a bunch of levels. With so much seeming to rest on me, I don't want to mess anything up! I also want to raise my children to be independent and capable. Something that will have to be monitored I think.
*What about the social aspect?
I have read so much on this particular question, that now it just makes me laugh. The answer depends on how you define socialization. I was typically socialized in public school. I learned how to stand in lines, to associate only with people my age, and only speak when the time was right. :) Of course, I think I turned out pretty well, but I think I can help my kids be well-adjusted without the aid of public school. Have you noticed that there are tons of weird kids in public school? How come homeschoolers always get the bad rap for being weird then? Have you also noticed that if the parents are weird, the kids tend to be weird, homeschooled or not? I think Richie and I are semi-normal, so I'm hoping that our kids will be also. We have a homeschool group we meet with once a week to learn and play with. Gwen is in our neighborhood joy school. We go to library activities almost once a week. We have regular play dates with other kids. Miles played baseball on a team and we plan on putting our kids in other similar (social) activities. I think they'll be ok.
Feel free to ask me whatever questions pop into your mind. Homeschooling is gaining huge momentum, but it is still an out-of-the-box choice. I realize there are plenty of concerns that other people have. I'm happy to answer any inquiry.
For me, what it came down to is this: I did my student teaching under the direction of a master teacher. We both gave 200% ever day. We still couldn't reach every child. Not even close! There is too big of a difference from the lowest achieving student, to the highest, so you are forced to teach to the middle and hope that everyone catches on somewhere. With my children, the attention is one-on-one. If they excel in reading, I can push them up as many grade levels as I want. If they struggle with math, I can take it as slow as necessary until they really understand things. That can't really happen in a public school setting. Also, I love my kids more than anyone on the face of the planet. No matter how great a teacher they might get in public school, they will never love my children as much as I do, therefore they will never sacrifice as much as I will for my children. So even if I'm still foggy on what the heck I'm actually doing, no one else will put more effort into this venture than me. We feel like Heavenly Father has guided us to this point in our lives and this is what he wants us to do. I'm banking on the fact that because I'm following this personal revelation, He is going to help me along the way. Fingers crossed!
My entire life I thought homeschoolers were backwards and weird. What this was based on, I have no idea. I have no recollection of ever meeting someone who was or had been homeschooled. Then I met Richie and liked him immediately. When I found out he had been homeschooled, I was totally surprised! He wasn't ultra-religious, dirty, obsessed with dungeons and dragons....none of the tell-tale signs! Once we were dating seriously and I met his brothers and sister, I was equally floored! Not only were they un-weird, they excelled and were more well-adjusted than most kids their age.
We got married and had a baby. Stuff got real. I actually had to think about this tiny life that we would help form and guide. What would his education be like? "We probably won't homeschool", was my immediate thought. "It's just not for me. I LOVED public school for the most part, I got a degree to teach in a public school. Won't I want a break from my kids when they get older?" And on and on.
It's funny how my perspective changed and how Heavenly Father worked on me. Also, Richie played it so well. He knew that if he insisted on homeschooling our kids, I would flat out refuse. I can be kind of stubborn. I went from thinking, "No way!" to "Well, I can see how some people would like homeschooling." to "I think I might enjoy certain aspects of it." to "We are definitely going to homeschool, and I can't believe I ever thought any differently!" I studied and prayed like you wouldn't believe. Richie let me bounce ideas off him, listen to my questions and rants, and said nothing. (Well played, husband.) Miles turned 4 and I thought, "Ok, I need to be serious about this now. I need to make a choice." Whenever people asked about what our plans were, I tiptoed around the issue and left it up in the air. Once I finally said, "We're planning on homeschooling our kids" out loud, it was like I could feel the peace washing over me. Even though I knew it would be hard and a completely new experience, I felt like I had found out the will of the Lord for our family, and He was going to support us in it.
FAQ's :)
*Are you homeschooling because you feel pressure from your In-Laws?
Nope. I obviously know where they stand on the issue, but they have never once said, "You should do this Rachel, it's so much better" Or anything like that. I kick against the pricks enough that even if they had said they wanted me to homeschool their grandchildren, I probably would have put them in public school...just because. :) This decision had to be made entirely by Richie and I. It's WAY too much work to do, just to please someone else. Nope, this is what WE feel is best for our family right now.
*What do you think about the public school system? Are you against it?
I think the public school system is broken. I really loved going to school, but sometimes I hated certain things that happened. That's going to happen anywhere though, no matter where or how you are schooled. However, I think a lot of things are different in the school system now. In my opinion, it's getting progressively worse. All that being said, I'm not against it. I've confirmed with Richie over and over again, that if I start going crazy or if the kids aren't getting what they need, we will put them in public school, and that's ok. I can either be a great homeschool mom, or a great public school mom. Right now, I'm choosing to do my best to be a great homeschool mom. We'll see what our kids need on a year-to-year basis. At this point, I'd prefer to homeschool all the way through high school. But I don't have a crystal ball and who knows what our family will need in 10 years. That's where praying like crazy and personal revelation comes in.
*Did you choose to homeschool because of common core/religious reasons/you want to control their lives?
1. No, no, and....no. :) I don't particularly like common core, but that didn't really factor into my decision. I'll be honest, I don't really relish the idea that the government is ultimately in control of what my kid is learning, if they go to public school. I don't think I really trust big corporations, government officials, or people that have never taught in a classroom to be in control of what my kid learns. But even with all of that, no, that is not why we chose to homeschool. Yes, it's a factor, but not even the biggest one. 2. I am looking forward to incorporating learning by the spirit and bringing church into school, but that wasn't a deciding factor either. 3.The last one concerns me. I really do not want to control their whole lives. But let's face it, if I'm the primary caregiver/teacher/tutor/etc I will have a lot of control. This scares me on a bunch of levels. With so much seeming to rest on me, I don't want to mess anything up! I also want to raise my children to be independent and capable. Something that will have to be monitored I think.
*What about the social aspect?
I have read so much on this particular question, that now it just makes me laugh. The answer depends on how you define socialization. I was typically socialized in public school. I learned how to stand in lines, to associate only with people my age, and only speak when the time was right. :) Of course, I think I turned out pretty well, but I think I can help my kids be well-adjusted without the aid of public school. Have you noticed that there are tons of weird kids in public school? How come homeschoolers always get the bad rap for being weird then? Have you also noticed that if the parents are weird, the kids tend to be weird, homeschooled or not? I think Richie and I are semi-normal, so I'm hoping that our kids will be also. We have a homeschool group we meet with once a week to learn and play with. Gwen is in our neighborhood joy school. We go to library activities almost once a week. We have regular play dates with other kids. Miles played baseball on a team and we plan on putting our kids in other similar (social) activities. I think they'll be ok.
Feel free to ask me whatever questions pop into your mind. Homeschooling is gaining huge momentum, but it is still an out-of-the-box choice. I realize there are plenty of concerns that other people have. I'm happy to answer any inquiry.
For me, what it came down to is this: I did my student teaching under the direction of a master teacher. We both gave 200% ever day. We still couldn't reach every child. Not even close! There is too big of a difference from the lowest achieving student, to the highest, so you are forced to teach to the middle and hope that everyone catches on somewhere. With my children, the attention is one-on-one. If they excel in reading, I can push them up as many grade levels as I want. If they struggle with math, I can take it as slow as necessary until they really understand things. That can't really happen in a public school setting. Also, I love my kids more than anyone on the face of the planet. No matter how great a teacher they might get in public school, they will never love my children as much as I do, therefore they will never sacrifice as much as I will for my children. So even if I'm still foggy on what the heck I'm actually doing, no one else will put more effort into this venture than me. We feel like Heavenly Father has guided us to this point in our lives and this is what he wants us to do. I'm banking on the fact that because I'm following this personal revelation, He is going to help me along the way. Fingers crossed!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
The past week or so / I need a nap
We went to the Ogden Temple open house. This was such a special opportunity. The kids loved being able to actually go inside the temple since they weren't allowed to go into the Sacramento temple when Ross and Amanda got married. They picked out their special outfits, complete with accessories :) and were pretty well behaved for the entire process. Gwen's favorite part was "the water" (the baptismal font). Miles' favorite part was the "sparkly chandeliers" (the sealing room). Although the ushers do their best to keep you moving along and I wished our family could just have sat the in Celestial room for a bit, I had a tender moment as we passed through that last room. My patriarchal blessing tells me some wonderful promises about my kids and the temple, and as we passed through the Celestial room, I caught a glimpse of Heaven. I thought, "Until my kids are older, this will be one of the only times I will be with all my kids and husband together in the Celestial room." I might have cried a little.
We had the Bluffdale reception for Ross and Amanda! I tried to help out as much as I could throughout the week and the day off, but let's face it, me hauling 3 kids around isn't much help. I was so impressed with all of the ward members and friends who came to help. It was beautiful! Christy out-did herself by serving all fresh food from her garden. It was the most kid friendly reception ever! The spent most of their time running around the tramp, but when they got too rambunctious, they could head downstairs to watch a movie.
We went to the aquarium last Friday. When we went a few months ago, they gave you a bounce back pass to use before the end of August since they were still just opening. Last time we went, it was insane! WAY too many people, and way too many unfinished exhibits. This time, it was calm and totally doable with just me and the kids. I think the octopus was the biggest hit this time. Those aquarium people sure have it all figured out. You pay to get in, they have a play-place you have to pay to use once you get in there, pay to take pictures in booths, and you have to exit through the gift shop. I was proud of my kids for the way they handled such temptation. :) The last thing Miles wanted was a small, stuffed shark from the gift shop, for $10!! I said, wow that's a lot of money, I don't think you have $10 saved yet. The entire way home, he kept insisting we would have a garage sale where he could sell his old toys so he could come by the shark next time. :)
That same night, Makenna and Ian graciously offered to take Miles and Gwen that night for a sleepover! The kids couldn't wait, they talked about it all week. So we drove them up to SLC on Friday night, and then Richie and I used a gift card to go on a date, plus Lindy, to eat some Olive Garden. Lindy is one of the only other girls I would share Richie with on a date. It was eerie and wonderful to only have 1 child to tote along. The next morning, we just took our sweet time getting the chores done, no fighting and pushing the kids to get to work, no whining, just German pancakes and Parks and Rec streaming all morning. It was so cool.
I was taking a candid shot of the two of them here. No they are not posing grumpy on purpose. Holy eyebrows!
So then I said, "Let's try again, and try not to look so angry."
There's too many of Lindy to choose from. She is too darn cute in all of them!
Around 4 on Saturday, we headed up to SLC to pick up the kids and celebrate Ethan's 4th bday!
Gwen was in heaven in this princess dress. Can you tell?
Of course Makenna outdid her self. Maybe one day when I grow up, I can be cool like her.
We officially started homeschooling this week. YIKES! More on that later.
We had the Bluffdale reception for Ross and Amanda! I tried to help out as much as I could throughout the week and the day off, but let's face it, me hauling 3 kids around isn't much help. I was so impressed with all of the ward members and friends who came to help. It was beautiful! Christy out-did herself by serving all fresh food from her garden. It was the most kid friendly reception ever! The spent most of their time running around the tramp, but when they got too rambunctious, they could head downstairs to watch a movie.
We went to the aquarium last Friday. When we went a few months ago, they gave you a bounce back pass to use before the end of August since they were still just opening. Last time we went, it was insane! WAY too many people, and way too many unfinished exhibits. This time, it was calm and totally doable with just me and the kids. I think the octopus was the biggest hit this time. Those aquarium people sure have it all figured out. You pay to get in, they have a play-place you have to pay to use once you get in there, pay to take pictures in booths, and you have to exit through the gift shop. I was proud of my kids for the way they handled such temptation. :) The last thing Miles wanted was a small, stuffed shark from the gift shop, for $10!! I said, wow that's a lot of money, I don't think you have $10 saved yet. The entire way home, he kept insisting we would have a garage sale where he could sell his old toys so he could come by the shark next time. :)
That same night, Makenna and Ian graciously offered to take Miles and Gwen that night for a sleepover! The kids couldn't wait, they talked about it all week. So we drove them up to SLC on Friday night, and then Richie and I used a gift card to go on a date, plus Lindy, to eat some Olive Garden. Lindy is one of the only other girls I would share Richie with on a date. It was eerie and wonderful to only have 1 child to tote along. The next morning, we just took our sweet time getting the chores done, no fighting and pushing the kids to get to work, no whining, just German pancakes and Parks and Rec streaming all morning. It was so cool.
I was taking a candid shot of the two of them here. No they are not posing grumpy on purpose. Holy eyebrows!
So then I said, "Let's try again, and try not to look so angry."
There's too many of Lindy to choose from. She is too darn cute in all of them!
Around 4 on Saturday, we headed up to SLC to pick up the kids and celebrate Ethan's 4th bday!
Gwen was in heaven in this princess dress. Can you tell?
Of course Makenna outdid her self. Maybe one day when I grow up, I can be cool like her.
We officially started homeschooling this week. YIKES! More on that later.
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September 2022
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
We finally have our baby here and life is good! This post won't be long, but I know everyone is waiting for pictures and I don't bla...