Wednesday, May 23, 2012


*They found our camera and are mailing it up! (Yahoo!) But still no pictures for a week or so.

Last Saturday we had a killer moving sale! I'm a bit of a yard sale extraordinaire (in my opinion anyway) and this was by far the best one. Both in terms of money made and overall experience. We got rid of our kitchen table(the only thing I was slightly sentimental about selling), 2 bar stools, 1 chair, 1 bookshelf (even after a gust of wind knocked it over and broke the top!), 1 stroller, and then a bunch of other stuff. We DI-ed the rest of our kitchen chairs and an end table. Our house is really starting to feel empty. As in, it echos in certain areas for lack of stuff. Crazy.
Speaking of moving....
That night after the garage sale, we packed up a few essentials and made our first-of-the-season-trip to our river spot. The entire experience I felt like I was battling two personalities inside of me. "Wow, this is so beautiful!", immediately followed by, "Why can't we just be eating at our kitchen table!! Gahh!! Gwen stop eating the dirt! MILES! Don't you DARE get near the river without Mom or Dad!!!!" Camping, in any form, usually stresses me out more than anything, but for some reason I still love it and crave it. We roasted dogs and mallows, made sand castles, became monsters and destroyed the aforementioned sand castles, looked for frogs, played peek-a-boo from inside the tent, went on a walk and climbed on rocks, got too far into the river, changed kid's wet clothes and then tore them away from the sand and strapped them into their car seats crying. Right before we made them get in the car, during a quiet moment, I turned and saw the sun settling into the river behind a grouping of trees. I watched the smoke of our dying campfire wind it's way through the yellow grass and my heart just broke. Did you know, not all heart-break is sad? The first time my heart broke was because I was having a hard time comprehending the beauty of my surroundings and the people in it. How did I get so lucky? However, it was immediately followed by the sad kind of heart break. We are leaving Eastern Idaho and everything about it that we've come to love, especially including "our" river spot. 6 years is a good amount of time. It's hard to imagine life anywhere else. It will be a wonderful adventure I'm sure.


Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

SO glad they found your camera! Who found it and and how did they even know it was yours? What are the chances?! Congrats too on your garage sale! It will make for an easier move and so fun to replace the essentials.

I've been to "your river spot", and can understand why you'll miss it! And on many levels I can understand the heart-break you speak of. Eastern Idaho will always have a very special place in your heart, but I'm so glad to have you moving a little closer.

Shelley said...

As I read about your camping experience, I'm craving Idaho! Since we've gotten back from our trip I've been feeling slightly homesick all over again. Something about being there just feels like home. :) I'm so excited to hear about your new adventures in Utah.

Becca said...

I'm excited for your new adventures. I still miss Idaho. It will always be special to us. :)

Makenna said...

change is a good thing when it allows you guys to grow! and that is what it going to be so amazing! I can't wait to see how it will change! HAPPY B-DAY btw! I think my letter will get there late because I put it in as the 25 on my shutterfly calendar :( but you're in my thoughts today!

Adrienne said...

Rachel - I am a horrible sister! I knew it was your birthday yesterday but never made a call! We were at George's last ball game last night for almost three hours. I'm sure I could've called sometime while we were there between taking John to the bathroom and chasing kids, but I didn't. So sorry! Hope you had a great day! Hope you have a great weekend and can't wait to see you!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...