Other times I feel like a great mom, like in all these pictures! Which is why I choose to post these!
Miles and I went on our first date the other day! It was totally impromptu one Friday night. Sometimes it's really nice living in the middle of town. We just walked a few blocks up the road to a frozen yogurt place and used a buy one get one free coupon. I swear, this is the only decent picture out of 10 or so I took.
Gwen's trying out a new face these days. Miles started pulling faces at this same age. It's fun to see such a personality start to emerge.
We had a fun dinner the other night with some friends of ours who have twin boys who are a year old. It still cracks me up that Gwen is about the same size.
We went to our ward Halloween party the other night. Miles was having a blast until some kid showed up in a scary mask. Then he stuck close to mommy! Gwen is learning how to wave! We got Gwen's costume from my sister-in-law (Thank you again!!) so we decided to make Miles a spider to go along with some sort of bug theme. I took the easy way out again and just bought him black pants and a black shirt and hot glued sections of backer rod shaped like spider legs to the back of his shirt. It took about 10 minutes, no sewing required and was super cheap. My kind of costume. This is the first year Miles has actually liked wearing a costume. It's pretty fun.
I managed to squeeze some actual quality time in yesterday between the movie watching and laying on the floor. :) We played with the leaves outside and both kids loved it! I wish I would have gotten more pictures.
When Richie came home, who had also had a hard day, we decided to throw caution to the wind and head out to a straw maze. Never mind that it was a week day or that it was almost dark outside, or that it was 40 degrees at best. It was the best part of the entire day, probably week! Last year we went to a straw maze when I was pregnant with Gwen and Miles didn't really like it. This year Miles thought it was awesome!! We gave him a flash light and he led us around the maze for a good 30 minutes. Whenever he came upon a dead end, he would stop running and shout, "Oh No! Deh Eh!! Quick, Dis Way!! C'mon Mommy, Daddy, Bay Gwe!"