Has anyone noticed that little pregnancy timer in the corner of the blog? How it has a "1" in front?? Well I sure have. A lady in my ward was sympathizing with me the other day and said that you're really pregnant for 8 months and 1 year. SO TRUE! This last month has really been dragging. I no longer have that major nesting instinct and find myself wanting to do nothing but lay on the couch. I think this is making me more impatient. Here's to hoping that these are the last belly shots you will see. Richie wanted to take them on Sunday and I obliged since I actually felt decent. However, this Sunday was the beginning of the worst swelling I've had thus far in the pregnancy and you can tell if you check out those cankles in one of the pictures. However, I'm trying to count my blessings. I was significantly more swollen with Miles starting at 2 months or more before I delivered, so I guess I should be glad it's not worse at this point. Some other positives of being pregnant:
*My belly button is SO easy to clean!
*I hardly ever have to shave my legs. I swear scientists should study me when I'm pregnant because I have almost no hair growth the entire 9 months. I think I may have shaved my legs 5 times since I got pregnant, which is great considering they are hard to get to these days.
* I get to rock both of my babies at the same time relatively easily still. I love snuggling with Miles and feeling Gwen move at the same time.
ok...that's all I got. Besides those things...I'm done. I had an appointment yesterday and found I tested positive for group B strep, or whatever that virus is called, so I'll have to be on special antibiotics when I go into labor. I was also dilated to a 2, but she said that doesn't really mean anything at this point. Dang it!
As for the housing update...I should probably just keep my mouth shut until something is final, because plans keep changing on a daily basis. The house next to Porter Park is now our second choice because we found an apartment that's in the ward and is super cheap, but would work great for us...That's all I'm going to say because it will probably be something different tomorrow.
So...what you're saying is.....we could be getting a phone call any time now! Yay! I can hardly wait to meet little Gwen!
In the mean time you do look a little uncomfortable, and the group B strep thing concerns me. Obviously you will be remembered in our prayers and and your name will be on the prayer roll until we know all is well!
Email me with what you would like me to bring when I come.
Maybe we should be in a study together because I only shaved my legs like once a month, and even then it was too often! That was one of the best parts of being pregnant. Good luck in the next couple of weeks!
I am super duper jealous of the pregnant you...WHATEVER! I never had any good side effects when I was prego, so you should definitely feel blessed. Also, being dilated to a 2 is a big deal! I never was dilated until the day I actually delivered, so I think she will be coming any time. I want to meet her, and hopefully we will all be well when she arrives.
You are so beautiful!
You are an adorable pregnant person! :)
Hang in there! We can't wait to meet Gwen!
The summer trip is coming right up. We will be seeing you guys in 3 short months!
Rachel you look absolutely beautiful!! I can't believe you have just a week left! Any day now your beautiful Gwen will be here!! I am so excited for you!
Rayshell! I'm sooooo excited for you to have your baby! I know you must feel uncomfortable, but you look so cute in these pics. Love you!
5 daysss!!!!!!!!!!!! I just saw your ticker and ONLY 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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