I had an appointment on Monday, right after Richie's mom and brother got here Sunday night, and she told me I was dilated to a 4 and 80% effaced. Since I was 1 day overdue, she would let me decide if I wanted to go the induction route at that point. We decided to wait and see if she'd come on her own. Luckily for the sake of our patience, I started having regular contractions that night at about 7. I labored at home while we watched "You've Got Mail" till about midnight. By that point my contractions were more regular and difficult. They continued to get worse at the hospital, but I wanted to try and go without medication if possible, so I tried the whole walking, jacuzzi thing, but wimped out after about 5 or so hours. Oh blessed drugs. Next kid, I'm just calling the hospital in advance and telling them to get the drugs ready. While I had labored without drugs I only progressed maybe from a 4 to a 6, maybe 7. After I got the epidural, it took about 1 hour for me to get to a 10! Richie had to run into work to drop off the keys, so we were glad Gwen waited for me to push till he got back, cause she was ready! I pushed for about 15 minutes and she was here! Full head of dark hair and everything! The official stats being: March 22, 2011, 9 lbs 3 oz, 20.25 inches long, 14.75 head circumference, 8:41 A.M. Full name, Gwendalyn Louise Garner. Gwen, just because we liked it, Louise after both my mom and Richie's mom!
Not that this process was easy or void of throwing up etc, but I'm AMAZED at how much easier child #2 was! Especially the recovery process so far. Let's hope this keeps up! We are so grateful that Richie's mom and brother were here when I went into labor so that Miles was in good hands. He is Tanner's shadow, I think and I'm nervous for when he leaves! Miles seems to be handling the situation fabulously so far, although I still don't think he understands that this baby is a permanent thing. :) Enough talk, here's some pictures!