Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thank you again "Family Fun"

I am not so good at coming up with ideas on my own, which is why I'm so glad there are tons of blogs etc out there to help me out. I found another fun idea in Family Fun magazine I thought I'd share. We made paper pizza! We just used old paper bags and then cut out paper toppings. Ta-Da! Mr. M here made an individualized piece for everyone in his family, and then we transformed an old graham cracker box into a pizza box! Fun, no cost activity. Just my style.

Another low cost activity? Sidewalk chalk! Miles even got in on the action. I'm happy to report that I'm still proficient in hop-scotch.

Here's a shot of "my" boys chillin on the couch. We do have some Movie time during the day to give me a break. :)

Here's a shot of my boys for real. Fabulous Sunday mornings. Sleep in, Richie makes breakfast... so good. This last hair cut, Richie told me to go short. Do you think I succeeded? Can I get a "Hoorah"!?


Makenna said...

I gotta get taking notes because soon I'll be having to look for boy activities :) I'm glad the sun is shining in Rexburg! We're struggling to find the sun with all the fog. :(

Tanners said...

i'm so glad you take pictures of my nephews, because i wouldn't see them otherwise! thanks.

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Paper pizzas? Looks like fun with zero calories! Loved Richie's hair cut! Loved the pic of our little sidewalk chalk artist! Can't tell you how much I miss him...and his mommy and daddy!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...