Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I TOLD you I was addicted!

We finally finished re-doing our kitchen chairs! I don't think I could be more pleased. Now I won't worry that someone will sit on a screw when they take a rest, or be grossed out when they have to sit on the chair with the mysterious black goo stain. I won't throw a fit when Miles tried to climb on them and puts his face right in the fabric EWWWW!!! And best of all, they look cute. :) They cost us next to nothing since they were here when we moved in, my mom-in-law bought be the cute fabric as an early bday present, and I used some of our left over paint and a neighbors left over paint. The only thing I had to buy was some ribbon to put on the bottom of the backs to cover some unsightly staples. I'd venture to say I'm proficient with a staple gun now. I swear I took a BEFORE shot! I can't find it on my camera anywhere! So you'll just have to believe me that these chairs were pretty nastified. But here's the glorious after!

So here's our semi-redone kitchen nook area thingy. There should also be our wedding picture under the "Families are Forever" sign, but it fell off the wall the other day and shattered. Sad. I hope we can fix it. See those little orange bowls sitting on the table? Here look closer.

I found these little yellow and orange bowls and plates at Wal-Mart yesterday. I'm still on a high about them. Why don't you try and guess how much they cost? If you guessed at low at .25 then you are right! If they're not all gone, I'm totally going back today to buy the rest. Perfect little bday or wedding gift. Just throw in some ice cream toppings and a cute bow and ta-da!

Meet the Marble Run and Mr. M

I'm babysitting for a friend of mine, the fabulous gal who is helping me do all these fun things to furniture, so I watch her 2 little ones on MWF. The smallest one is about 8 months, and Mr. M here is 4. If you're looking for something to do and you're stuck inside because it's April and it's still snowing outside (most ridiculous thing in the world says the girl from sunny St. George) you can create a marble run! I found it in Family Fun magazine. You're supposed to use magnets to hold the paper towel tubes to the fridge, but mine didn't work so we just used tape. He thought it was pretty awesome. Yes! I win for being a good babysitter!!


Unknown said...

Kudos to you on the chairs, the little bowls and the marble run! It isn't snowing here anymore (crossing my fingers), but we're getting plenty of rain and wind, which still keeps us indoors for the most part. The marble run thing is exactly what I need! Thanks!

The Wallace Family said...

Your chairs look wonderful! Since there are little ones who will be sitting there eating, you might want to cover the bottom half with clear vinyl... much easier to clean up!

I love the marble idea - it seems like I could use it in class some how... hmmmm

Katie said...

Way to go Rachel!! Have you seen this blog:

It has plans for making furniture, and I bet you could make some rad stuff!

Becca said...

You are awesome! Do you want to come to my house and paint a bathroom and kitchen? Wish I had the same motivation as you.

Alex, Orchid, Layla, & Leo Christensen said...

I love you a lot.

Makenna said...

The apartment looks brand new! you did such a good job, and thanks for letting me interrupt your work last night :)

Wii are the Nelsons said...

Too bad you can't find that before picture. That marble run is awesome~ I bet he loves it so much. I would love to play with it =D

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

The chairs look great, and I'm so impressed with what you have learned to do! But I'm with Jenn.....they're light enough you might want some kind of vinyl protection on them.

So sad about your wedding picture! Was it just the frame that was ruined or the picture itself?

I loved the marble run too! I want to do it next time i have grandkids over!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...