Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hey Mom Garner- Check this out!

A few months ago, Richie's mom brought up all of the pictures that were his that he never got around to scrapbooking while he lived at home. Probably because he hated, excuse me, loathed it. So to help keep my busy, she got me a bunch of scrapbooking supplies and away I went. For the last couple of months, any spare second I've had has gone into this gigantic scrapbook. See how huge this thing is? I didn't even include all the pictures, and Richie has a few more of these size scrapbooks that he did himself! Anyway, this blog is me doing a little victory dance for being finished. WAHOO!

In response to the last post: It seems we stay at home moms have a lot of pent up aggression. Call me, we'll go get ice cream. :)
Oh and for those of you who read the comments and couldn't sense the sarcasm in what my bro Russ said....Richie is usually the one who tries to alleviate my tension and anger, not add to it. In fact, he came home with flowers yesterday. Awhh presh!


McKenna said...

wow, you're good. i would like to get going on that someday.:)

The Wallace Family said...

Maybe if I was a stay at home mom I could quit asking everyone to help me out with my kids and get some scrap booking done :) Wait - even when I was a stay at home mom I didn't scrap book... Oh well. Rach, you rock!

The Batistas said...

First of all Koodos to being finished w/ that.. I did the first year of my boys then pictures just got put into books. it's so time/money consuming this scrapbooking thing:)....
So then i had to go back and read comments... CAUSE I TOTALLY AGREE!! and let me just tell you it is more precious with the more you have:) We have no time off!! not even bed/nap time because during those times were doing a million OTHER things! UGH! glad your feeling better now:)

One Opinionated Housewife said...

Now that you are finished with Richie's scrapbook, feel free to finish my kids'...all 4 of them. You are the ultimate housewife. Do you wear a starched apron with heels and bring Richie his slippers and a cool drink when he comes home from work?

Rachel said...

Why yes, in fact I do Natalie. How did you know? And I always speak to him in a soothing voice and never bother him with my worries or concerns, because what he has to say is oodles more important. Gotta go take the fliet minon out of the oven! Ta ta!

Makenna said...

You are a CHAMPION! that is amazing! I can never bring myself to do it. I did for a while when i was at home, but it has once again sunk to the bottom of my to do list. I actually called you yesterday because I wanted to know if you had a scrapbook for Mile yet? Its always much more fun to scrapbook when you have more fun stickers and paper and di-cuts etc to make your pages cute with, however you do not need anything but paper and glue because you are so talented and crafty at this art!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Nice work! You've inspired me to get back to my picture project. (Don't tell Jenn it's not all done yet!)

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...