Thursday, August 6, 2009

6 Months and Roseola

I've heard that once your child hits 6 months, they start getting all kinds of sick! It's true! The fever that he had on Saturday that we thought was teething turned out to be something called Roseola. After his fever went down, we thought it was over, then he got a rash all over his head, neck and face. It has now spread to his abdomen and back. He's continually fussy, doesn't eat as much, and his schedule is wacky. So I took him to the doctor, who said this type of viral infection is very common in babies so not to worry, but it's very contagious to other babies, and it should go away in about 7 days. Later last night we had some friends over, and she diagnosed it as Roseola, which all of her kids had at some point she said. Anyway, if anyone out there who has a child who is having the same symptoms, you can go to and search Roseola. There's some good info. But other than that bad news, he's still growing like a weed! He's now tanking in at 17 pounds and 13 ounces. My arms are gonna be so buff!!

My poor boy! If you look closely you can see his little rash! :( He's so tough though. We think he's near crawling any day now! (uh oh!) He is evolving from the "forehead first" crawl to actually getting up on his knees and arms and rocking!


McKenna said...

Sorry to hear he is having a hard time. Can't wait to see what comes our way at 6 months!

The Wallace Family said...

Awwww - It's no fun feeling yucky! Try to sleep it off, Miles (: Love You!!!

One Opinionated Housewife said...

My right arm is way stronger than my left due to carrying my babies around. And yep, babies seem to either be sick or teething about 60% of the time once they reach 4 months. Unfortunately, it doesn't improve until they are 2ish. Thank goodness they are so adorable!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

So glad you finally know what you're dealing with. But sorry he's still miserable. Rash or no rash........he's so cute!

mylyn wood said...

poor kiddo!Hope he feels better soon! Owen is only 3 1/2 months and is already 17 lbs!!! He is a humungo.

Becca said...

Hope Miles is feeling lots better. There's nothing sadder than a sick baby.

Makenna said...

NO! :( baby boy get well!!! But he's doing so good at sitting up!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...