Tuesday, January 12, 2021

SLC/SG Christmas Trip 2020

 We made it to Bluffdale in time for Christmas Day dinner with the Garner clan. We had delicious food and opened more presents! And these were the only 4 pictures I took! Ah!This trip was more about SG though, so even though SLC was mostly just for sleeping over this time to break up the trip, we were grateful we were able to spend any time with the Garner side too.

Excuse the major photo dump, but with my mom's illness progressing, even the smallest moments are becoming increasingly precious. These are some of the everyday moments while in SG. 

My 2 favorites, without hesitation, are Benson cuddled up with Grandma and Grandpa on the couch. Mom and Dad read on the couch nightly before bed. After we had the kids tucked in bed one night, Richie and I snuck out for a walk. We came home to find that Benson had been scared downstairs, and fell asleep cuddling Grandma to the sound of Grandpa's voice reading. 

2nd favorite was finding Miles and my Dad jamming to some sweet tunes. Miles was very excited to have his own device to have his own music on. So in Bluffdale, he asked his uncles to put some of their favorites on his MP3 player. In SG, he asked his cousins and his Grandpa. I don't know who liked it more, Miles or my Dad. My Dad loves sharing his favorite music, and Miles just ate it all up. I think those 2 have a special bond. 

Even while she battles cancer, Mom couldn't help herself and planned another grandkids sleepover, even though she said last year was her last one. :) She had it all planned out, and then her plans were thrown for a loop when the doctors told her she would need more radiation, and traditional chemo this time around. So she divyed up the responsibilities between Adrienne and Jenn, and while the sleepover part was less traditional this time, everyone still had a blast. I know they are grateful now, but one day, my kids will really realize how incredibly blessed they are to be surrounded by such a loving, supportive, creative hard working, and optimistic family. Mom can't do a party without a theme of course. This year's theme was "The Grinch who Saved Christmas". We each donated presents to a family in need previous to the sleepover. We had a Grinch themed breakfast, made grinch ornaments, went on a hike up aspiration trail and left our grinch painted rocks, did a Grinch themed escape room, watched the movie, and my kids slept over at the Lamb's one night. So.Much. Fun.

Saved the best picture for last!

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...