Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The rest of March

Mr. Miles loves taking selfies. I find bunches on my phone all the time. Here are a few gems.

The library is giving out coupons for free cheeseburgers at in-and-out for reading a certain amount of books. We cashed in one of our coupons and the kids were in heaven. We rarely eat out, especially at burger places, so this was a special treat.

We loved having Taysom, Ilah, and Tucker up for breakfast on St. Patrick's Day. I love that we're close enough to be able to get together and hang out. That night, we ate Irish soda bread, with a corned beef and cabbage stew. Surprisingly yummy! We had some four-leaf clover sugar cookies for dessert and watched "Brave". It's always fun to have an excuse to shake things up a bit.

Getting out and enjoying the nice weather every chance we get! Because chances are, it will be cold and windy the next day. Ah, spring. :)

The messes these kids make sometimes....I want to encourage their creativity, while simultaneously wanting to throw everything away. Everything. During quiet time on this day, Miles made a spider web in his room with painters tape. Shortly thereafter, the girls made a GIANT blanket fort in their room. Every blanket and pillow was propped up in their room somehow. There was no floor space at all. They begged me to let them sleep in it that night. I did so begrudgingly, and then dealt with the tears the next day from lack of sleep and the consequence of having to clean up their huge mess.

Homeschool everyday stuff. Reading, getting good use out of Lindy's new light table, enjoying this month's kiwi crate about the solar system, flower arranging for spring, joy school here (classifying animals, making animal prints, dressing up as animals. Notice how Lindy is dressed as a caterpillar and hanging upside down, hoping to change into a butterfly :) ), story time with ducks at the library (Miles was more interested in the 3-D printing machine).

Cute Benson :)

We went on a field trip with our homeschool group the other day up to Ogden. We have learned about the steam engine, and the standardization of gun production-among other things, basically we are at the beginning of the industrial revolution. So we went to the train museum, which also houses an antique car display, and a huge display of Browning guns (which would have been much more interesting if I knew anything about guns). Then we drove down the road to the Hill Airforce Base and saw some amazing planes! One of the volunteers even showed the kids how to make paper helicopters and fly them off the balcony. So fun! I think my favorite part was being in the main hub of the train-station and imagining the hustle and bustle of the past.

Gwen had her very first piano recital! She played, "Playing Tag" and "The Trombone player". She said she wasn't nervous at all, and she played her pieces very well. It's been fun seeing you take to piano so naturally.

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...