We have a 4 year old. Officially. He got to celebrate his birthday all week long! The Friday before my parents were in town and took us out for pizza, on Sunday they sang to him in primary and the bishop gave him a treat, on Monday we took cupcakes to Joy school and they gave him a present, on Tuesday we took cookies to pre-school and he got to wear the birthday crown all day (super big deal), Wednesday was his actual birthday so he chose pancakes for breakfast and we went to arctic circle after dinner for ice cream and playing. Whew! By Thursday we needed a break from all the partying! We had his actual party on Friday with some of the Garner fam.
Miles requested a Mickey Mouse cake, and balloons. I'm so glad he's still easy to please! I'm also glad that he gets to share his birthday with 2 awesome uncles, uncle Ben and uncle Jeffrey. Jeffrey was ok sharing his birthday party with Miles, so Miles thought he was pretty special. We played pin the Mickey ears on Miles and ate homemade cafe rio. Everyone was super generous with presents and Miles has loved playing with them all!! We decided since we didn't really do a lot of games, we thought we'd turn opening presents into a game. So I made a giant "Toodles" out of cardboard and Miles had 4 mousketools to choose from to help open the 4 presents from mom and dad. For instance, I wrapped one with lots and lots of ribbon and tape, so Miles chose the scissors to help him open that one.
He was on cloud nine! I love seeing my kid happy. You could tell he felt really special that all of this was for him. Success! I'm always amazed at what a good boy we got. We really won the lottery with Miles.
YAY! I've been waiting for this post! Sounds like a wonderful birthday for a great little/big guy! Loved the Toodles part of the party, and especially the darling cake and cupcakes! Did you make those?
That last picture really made me smile. So cute! What a great birthday and how could you not feel special after all of that! Happy Birthday, Miles!
You really know how to make the day special!!!
Happy Birthday to Miles!
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