Monday, January 28, 2013


I've been MIA when it comes to the blog. When life gets busy, something's gotta give right? I wish I had some pictures to spice up this post, but no can do. I still felt the need to show this little blog of mine some lovin'. So here's what we've been up to!

Richie's the only one to escape the sick bug at the Garner home. Miles got over his cold in early January, but Gwen and I are just barely remembering what it's like to breathe through our noses. Unfortunately, right as we were feeling almost 100%, Gwen got some sort of UTI infection and Miles got an ear infection. Boo. Thank goodness for modern medicine.

We've been anxious increase our bank account lately so that we have money to do something besides pay the bills and buy food. The main goal being we'd like to pay off our house in lightning speed, but we'd also like to do some fun things with money, you know like buy new tires for our vehicles and paint the house. We check out ksl sometimes for part time work, usually with Richie in mind, but we came across an ad for a pre school teacher at "The Winner School" near SLC. (No losers are allowed in this school apparently.) I sent a resume and they were anxious to hire me because of my degree. Long story short, I got the job being an assistant pre school teacher on Tue and Thurs from 12-4. I get to bring the kids with me and they get free day school (like a less intense pre school). I would love to put Miles in my pre school class with me, but even with the discounted rate they offered me, it wasn't cheap. Not only do they not allow losers in the school, I guess they also shun poor people. At least that's what I've gathered from the tuition, moms driving lexus and bmw, and kids wearing more expensive clothes than I've ever bought for myself. And the whole point of this thing is to make money right? Right.
Miles has taken to it like a fish. Just cries and whines when it's time to go home. Gwen has had a much harder time adjusting, which surprises me and also makes me have major cases of mommy guilt. Once we get into a routine I think we will all do fine, but the first week I was just having a really hard time admitting that *gasp* I am a working mom now. I have never questioned myself so much in such a short amount of time. The biggest question being, "Am I doing what's right for my kids?" And that led me to question everything I've ever done as a mother. Yikes. I'm guessing that most moms/parents in general will never escape asking themselves if they are doing the right thing for their children. Which is good thing! I just need to find the balance between listening to the spirit and non-stop worrying.
Pertaining to the job, so far so good. I know my kids will grow into it, and it will be great to have something to put on my professional resume, not to mention making a few extra bucks.

Other than that, we are just gearing up for Miles' bday this week! He's been excited all month, so I hope we don't disappoint him. Can't believe he's going to be 4.


Taysom Wallace said...

I'm so excited that Miles is turning 4 :) and I agree, its really hard to find that balance, but just listen to the spirit and you'll do good : ) I love you guys!

Adrienne said...

I wish there was some way to stop the guilt that so many of us feel. I am excited for you guys and hope that this job is a blessing to you. Loved the post, as usual! Oh, do you know where we will have the family trip in CO? Just curious:) Let us know if we can do anything to help with reservations, etc. Love you guys!

Becca said...

I'm happy for you! I think working outside the home (whether part-time or not) is always an adjustment when you've been an exclusive SAHM. I know I had to adjust, mainly, because I was dealing with pressures I hadn't dealt with before. From what you say it sounds like a great situation.
I love working 2 evenings a week. Some weeks I can't get out the door fast enough! I agree with Taysom though, listen to the spirit and you'll know what is best for you and your family.

Laura Edwards said...

Yay for blog updates!!

Wow! How exciting with your new job! I hope it goes swell for both you and the kids. I agree that every parent will always question and doubt their every move and whether it's best for their kids and family. It's nonstop. Give this and try and see how it feels. I found, for me, working part-time helped me be a better mom because I cherish the time I have with Marshal and the things we do. We do less watching TV and vegging and more playing and activities. Sort of... :) Anyhow, maybe you can find some little fulfillment that you need as an individual that will in turn make you a better mom (not that you could ever be a better mom! You are the model!)

And I'm glad to hear that the illnesses are starting to disappear. I hate this time of year.

Can't wait to get together again!

mylyn wood said...

Congratulations on your new job! I actually started a part time job in October for a similar reason. We just wanted some extra funds to pad our savings more & have some travel funds. I nanny a little girl from 2:30-6:00 and I had the same concerns when I first started. Even though the kids were with me at all times and I'm able to keep almost the same routine, I did notice I had to do more division with my time with each child and that was hard for me. It's definitely an adjustment but I think we're both really lucky to have jobs that we can take our kids to and honestly, we spend more time with them than most working moms. You're doing a great job!

The Wallace Family said...

Happy late birthday to Miles! Love him, love you, love all of you! Really appreciated your post - good luck with the new job.

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...