Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Bunch of Sick-os

This past Sunday, I noticed Miles had a runny nose. No biggy right? 2 year olds always have snot coming out of their nose. But later that night, when Gwen got stuffy and my throat got itchy, I realized it was more than just a runny nose. Richie has since 'caught the fever', so we're all just...sick. Bleh. Not tremendously sick, just enough to interrupt sleep and such. Miles' cough turned croupy last night, so here's to hoping a full blown croup session doesn't start. It's the worst on Gwen in my opinion. Her poor little nose is so stuffed up. However, she's adjusted quite well to the snot sucker! The worst part is that she was such an awesome little sleeper (some nights going for 6 hours in a row!! At 3 weeks old!!) And now it's back to every 2 hours and then staying up endlessly after a feeding and rarely sleeping any way but with someone. Needless to say we're a little tired over here.

We've been in the moving process all week, so the house is a complete disaster area. We'll be all moved out and sleeping in our new apartment by Friday night. It will probably take some time for me to post pictures though since we won't have internet right off. Just FYI. And just for fun, here's some pictures of Miles with his super cool spikey hair! :)


Laura Edwards said...

Looks like things are going pretty well, even with the sickness. Hope you all feel better soon! And I love the photo of youand Gwen!

Becca said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry. Having a sick newborn is tough, but moving at the same time...
It should make you feel better that you all look so cute trying to get shut eye and cuddling Gwen at the same time.
Miles looks so old with the spikey hair. Theo has been asking us to spike his hair lately. Ben didn't like it until we found out that Theo likes it spikey, because he wants to look like a dinosaur. :)

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

Me too. Can't breathe. Can't swallow. Can't sleep. At least I'm not having to care for little ones, and move to a new home, all while feeling lousy! You have my deepest sympathy and wishes for a quick recovery.

The pictures tug at my heart strings and I wish I could take part of the burden from you.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

The Wallace Family said...

That is a lot to handle all at once... and you still found the time/energy to blog. You never fail to impress me, Rach! Hope everyone gets feeling better pronto :)

One Opinionated Housewife said...

Looks miserable. Having a sick newborn is always scary, and with Miles having croup, moving, etc., life sounds pretty hard right now. Hope you will feel better soon.

Becca said...

:( get better fast!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...