Sunday, January 16, 2011

Miles learns to...

Wear pointy toed shoes! Obviously he hasn't learned the rules about black and brown. He found these in the house, put them on, and walked around in them for about 20 minutes straight.

Go to school! We were watching the "Going to School" signing time, and in the middle, he found Richie's old backpack, had me help him put it on, then walked to the door and told me bye bye. I'm glad he hasn't grown up that fast yet!

Paint the snow! Want a cheap activity? We had old spray bottles around, so I put some water and food coloring in them and we "painted" the snow. I promise he really liked it, just not in this picture I guess.

He learned that if you're sharing one bowl of popcorn with 3 other boys in a tent during movie night, you have the best chances of getting the most popcorn if you keep the bowl nearest to you, in your arms if need be.

Go sledding....and like it right off the bat! Last week it took some getting used to. This week, he only screamed during the getting all of the snow gear on part. Actually going down the hill was a hit this week!

"If mom and dad give you a paint brush, paint and then take all your clothes off, they must want me to paint your body right?" Fortunately a lot of paint got on these blocks we scrounged up and I think Miles's blocks actually turned out the coolest. He'd mix some colors, dab it on the block and say "Oh cool!"

Good week.


The Wallace Family said...

Haha, that is so cute! :) You come up with the most creative activities and they look like so much fun :) I'll be painting the snow next time it comes!


Wii are the Nelsons said...

Fun ideas! I think we'll steal paint the snow because James really likes the spray bottles.

Adrienne said...

Wow Rach, you really are SUPERMOM..... I'm such a failure..... I love you anyway!

Becca said...

Seriously, Miles is the cutest kid! I imagine Miles in the tent with those boys holding his popcorn and trying to keep it together. Haha, so cute. :)

mylyn wood said...

You come up with the most fun ideas! You should make a list of things you do with Miles during the day. I'm sure it would help moms like me who have run out of ideas!
p.s. have you thought of any names for baby girl? :-) so excited!

Grandma and Grandpa Crosby said...

I guess I'm going to have to try snow painting too! Great idea!

Loved your pictures!

The Wallace Family said...

Fun times! I love how you actually realize and appreciate that now! Good example :)

Shelley said...

How fun! He is such a handsome little man. Such fun ideas too!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...