so in case you're wondering, we had a wonderful Easter. Miles was lucky enough to have 3 Easter Egg hunts! One with the Garners, one with the Fogle's in our ward, and one with our friends the Mitchell's from our old ward! He didn't really get it, but he loved eating the candy!

He has this fetish lately of climbing into small spaces. This is the only good picture I've got so far, but just in the past day he's climbed into a cupboard in the kitchen, the storage space under the TV the houses our DVD's, the cupboard in our bathroom under the sink, and the pan drawer thingy under the oven. Crazy boy. He's also really starting to understand and enjoy coloring! YES!! And he "helped" me make cookies yesterday. Such a busy boy.

I haven't posted much lately because I'm working on another project! The same gal from my ward who helped teach me to paint furniture also showed me how I could recover the chairs in our kitchen! It's turned into quite the ordeal, but they should be lovely once I get them finished this week. I'll post more pictures later!
The Woodside swing team had their final performance of the semester last week, so I thought I'd post a bit. If you can't tell, Richie's the ham in the front in the black sailor suit. :) Allow me to brag a bit, Richie choreographed this dance and coached all the dancers. And this was just one of about 5 or so dances that he's choreographed in the last couple semesters! I wish I could have gotten a better video. It may not look like much, but their feet are flyin. This is a fast song, even for Charleston!