Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby Update

I have been trying for a few days now to make the post about our fantastic Christmas vacation, but for some reason, I'm having real difficulty getting any pictures on. I know, I know, the suspense is killing you, but you'll have to wait for that post for another day. In the mean time, let this tide you over. I actually do have a picture of my gigantic swollen feet that I could post with this, but darnit, the whole picture thing just isn't working like I explained earlier.
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and everything is still lookin good! Less than 4 weeks! Can you believe it!? I told the doctor that we have rather large babies in my family, so he said that in 2 weeks at my next appointment (assuming I haven't had the baby by then) then we'd look into inducing maybe after an ultrasound to see how big he really is. Those of you who have seen me recently would probably not doubt the possibility of there being a 15 pound child inside of me. If he's going to be that big, we expect him to come out walking, talking and fully potty trained.
Since we've had 2 showers now, I feel like we have most of what we need. Now it's just kind of a waiting game. I had the baby room all organized and cute once upon a time, but it's once again turned into somewhat of a storage room. So, I would rather baby hold off for at least another week. Richie and I are going to a class this weekend that is going to teach us how to be good parents for a "small" fee. And next weekend my friend in the ward here wants to do another baby shower get together/diaper drop. Wahoo!! Only one small worry now, excited as I am.... Can I really handle this??


Becca said...

yay! you're at the home stretch!! That is soooooooo exciting!!!

One Opinionated Housewife said...

Give your O.B. a big fat kiss for inducing you. That is just unheard of here with first time moms. In fact, it is hard to find an O.B. who will induce at all! I'm so jealous!!!

The Wallace Family said...

Sweeeet!!! Can't wait to find out the date. I hope you're taking it easy and putting those feet up often. Love you!!!

McKenna said...

It was so good to see you at your shower. It's fun to see you and think it's not much longer until I'm there! The thought of this new life change is a little intimidating for me. I know you and Richie will be great parents! Good luck with these final weeks.

The Hoffmans said...

You have to be one of the cutest pregnant women I have seen! Having a baby is so awesome. Your going to do great. And hey, if he comes out walkin, talkin, and potty trained you scored big time! Good luck!

Becca said...

Thank you so much for the B-day card for Izzy. You are so sweet, and she LOVED it! I'm still working on your baby shower gift, but I'll be sending it soon. I'm glad everyone has been helping you stock up!

Ian and Makenna James said...

Rach, if you can handle all those little 1st graders (or was it 6th graders ?) then you can handle being a parent! :) one of these days I'm gonna call you during the week cause you're at home hangin out right? ME TOO! we believe in you sweetie. hang in there!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...