Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Second Half of May 2021

Trying to get lunch dates in with all the kids! This day it was Lindy's turn and instead of lunch, we went and got ice cream. :)

 Benson graduated from pre-school! Some days he liked/tolerated it, some days it was a little tough getting him to go. Once he was there he always seemed to have a good time. I think overall it was a really good experience for all of us. The graduation ceremony was hot, short and adorable. I'm crossing my fingers to get him into a different preschool next year. He's technically old enough for kindergarten, but I think more preschool would be a good thing for him ( and me). 

We last minute decided to invite friends over (the Baxters) for an Oreo taste test experiment. I bought 6 different varieties and they all voted on their favorites. The adults favorites were the lemon Oreos, and I think the kids favorite were the mint Oreos.

Scenes from the homestead: We had a bunch of hens go broody, we decided to try it out! Some of the hens have hatched eggs on their own, and some eggs we have put in the incubator and then slipped the new chicks under the mamas. It's been amazing watching the new chicks hatch right before our eyes! Mama hens are my favorite animal now. Also pictured, the bunnies at peak cuteness, and pesto made with spinach from our garden!

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...