Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Second Half of February 2021


Gwen got herself a pig. She was inspired when we read "Farmer Boy", and wanted to buy a pig with her own money, breed it and sell the piglets. Richie was over the moon excited about it. She's a Kune/something mix and really sweet. Gwen first named her Butterscotch, but has since changed it to Duchess. 

The snow has since melted, but before it did, I utilized some for some sensory play. Painting the snow it always a hit!


The penitent face of a boy who decided to find some lipstick, and then kiss the perimeter of the entire room, and also run the lipstick across a few other surfaces. Poor kid was just curious and trying to show us some love, and I got after him and made him wipe it off. :)

We are averaging 50 eggs per day! The kids have a good system and can now wash and package the eggs like pros. We are working on building up a client base. It's slower going than I would prefer, and when our egg fridge in the garage starts getting full...it makes me a bit antsy. See those giant boxes? Thats 600 egg cartons! Wow!

Makenna and I really bonded over the last 8 years. We had kids at the same time, were experiencing a lot of similar things because we were in the same phase of life, we homeschooled together, and saw each other regularly for other family events. We babysat each others kids, and we were safe places for each other to vent about the daily hardships-knowing the other would understand and empathize to some degree. I've missed that close association with her since we moved to Idaho. She's about ready to pop with baby #4 and was feeling a little overwhelmed, so Richie had the idea to take us down to SLC for a quick trip so that Makenna and I could spend the night at a hotel together and relax. The kids had fun sneaking in a few play dates with old friends, and sleeping over with cousins, we even sold some eggs while we were down. Makenna and I ate out, talked, watched a movie, talked, stayed up late, talked, did some fun girly pampering things, talked, and did some shopping at City Creek. Just what the doctor ordered. So thankful for my awesome husband who set this up and who sees these needs and does something about them. 

Homeschool scenes- Finishing our Arthropod unit with symmetry art and suckers with bugs in them, making spider webs and Benson getting into Blockus. :) 

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...