Tuesday, December 15, 2020

First Half of December


Gwen found some shaving cream and thought she was hilarious. Too bad we made her wash it off right after because missionaries were coming over.
Getting neighbor gifts ready!

If Benson ever is quiet, it means 1 of 2 things. 1: He's into mischief. 2. He's got himself a pile of books and is occupied reading.

This girl learned to tie shoes!! Wahoo!!! I've been feeling bad for not teaching her sooner. Those velcro straps are just so darn easy. But we took about 10 minute on Sunday, and she had it down!

Richie and the kids were delivering neighbor gifts on Sunday and had Gwen go up to the door of a friend to drop off bread. They have big dogs, but they are nice and they know Gwen. For some reason, when the door opened, one of them jumped out and bit Gwen. She held it together in front of our friend but when she got home she was sobbing. Once we got it cleaned up a bit, we could see that two of the puncture wounds were fairly deep. We weren't sure if we should take her in for stitches somewhere or not, so we called our neighbor Jeff who is a doctor. He graciously came over to check it out, decided it needed stitches, went home and came back with all the needed supplies, came back and stitched her up right at the kitchen table. With our insurance only being catastrophic, we were financially grateful for the help and also grateful in a million ways that Jeff is our neighbor! Saved us such headache.  Gwen was a champ and has enjoyed telling everyone the story. 

We've gotten pretty close to our ward's elders over the past few months. Elder Despain and Elder Kelley have been so wonderful, and we were all sad when we learned they were both being transferred. We had them over one more time to share a message and to make gingerbread houses. They made my kids feel so special and we all genuinely loved spending time with them. Hopefully we can stay in touch!

We ditched the science lesson one co-op day, and had a "bake" sale to raise money for my friend's niece. She's about Miles's age and has a rare muscle degenerative disease, and has recently found out she also has cancer. The kids made signs, we picked up doughnuts and hot chocolate, and stood outside in the cold for a few hours. We ended up with $100 hard earned dollars. Hopefully they felt the warm fuzzies and we helped a teeny tiny bit. 

While the older kids were at swimming lessons the other day, the little boys and I made gingerbread play-doh. I'm trying to be better at being intentional with this time, instead of just letting them watch extra shows while the bigger kids are swimming. Benson made this gingerbread bear and named it "Alex" and said it was really sick with chicken pox. :)

Whenever I have a hard day, Lindy immediately tunes in, and the best way she knows how to remedy the situation is her tried and true "Ooh-la-la beauty spa". She chooses about 20 different activities for me to choose from. I usually chose, hair, nails, makeup, snack and snuggle time. :) 

Richie had to travel for work for 3 days last week. Just to eastern Idaho, but it was 3 days with me on my own. Even though Richie missed me, he said the quiet and solitude was really nice. So he ordered me some super comfy pj's, reserved me a hotel room, and sent me off for a night away by myself. Heaven! I took a bath, read books, worked in my planner, wrote in my journal, watched a movie, worked on my handwriting course, and slept in. We decided that we'll make it a regular thing. 

2 things: Henry is living with us! While he decides if he's going to go back on his mission, we decided to offer him a change of scenery. He's working at American with Richie and living with us. We moved a few things around and he's sleeping in the little boys room. Hopefully it's beneficial all around! 

2. We got a new set of missionaries! Another Elder Despain and and Elder Graham. They are both from St. George, so I loved them immediately. They came over to share a message tonight for FHE and then we decorated sugar cookies. Even though we loved our last missionaries so much, these 2 seem pretty great too. 

On the Homestead. Side note: We think we might have lost one of our cats to an owl last night. We saw an owl flying around, and then this morning, we are 1 short. On the positive side, we saw one of the cats get their first mouse yesterday too! So that's good. 

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...