Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 We made that fast and furious trip down to SLC to do apple cider with the Garners, and it just happened to be Halloween. We decided to spend some time with the Crosby's in Provo also, and go trick or treating with them. What a weird year for trick-or-treating. Their normally busy neighborhood felt eerie. Not very many kids running around, and no one went to doors and said "Trick or Treat". All the candy was left outside in bowls, on their lawn, etc. At this point (way before this point actually), all of this Covid stuff is pure ridiculousness. I'm beyond the insanity of it all, but that's not the point of this post. The point is that my kids were adorable Harry Potter characters for Halloween. They have been planning these costumes since last year, when Miles had finished all the books the first time and was super into it. We had already decided on Charlie Brown however, so it was declared back in October 2019, that Halloween 2020 would be Harry Potter themed. :) 

Miles was Harry, obviously. Gwen was Hermoine, obviously. Lindy was Luna Lovegood, Benson was Hedwig, and Davy was Hagrid (whose costume lasted about 5 minutes) :) We had a great time with the Crosby's as usual, and despite the weirdness, the kids got plenty of candy. 

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...