Friday, November 20, 2020

First Half of November

 The day after Halloween: We travelled back from SLC. But before then, we celebrated Grandpa's birthday, Lindy lost her first tooth, and Davy kept waving to Grandpa who was conducting church via zoom. :)

That Monday, we used our Halloween candy for math, as usual. Counting, sorting, graphing...all good things.

We didn't have to wait too long to see G&G Garner again. They came up the next weekend to help us process chickens. We ordered all the supplies we needed including this GIANT scalding pot. It was our very first time doing this and so there were some nerves, but Richie has had experience processing chickens so he knew the drill. Grandma and Grandpa helped SO much. At the end of the day, we gazed gratefully at our garage wall with 1 freezer full of frozen fruit and nuts etc, shelves packed tight with home canned goods, and the chest freezer full of homegrown chicken. We harvested 37 chickens, equalling over 200 pounds. Then I used the necks and feet to make around 20 quarts of broth. So worth it. 

Miles finally let me cut his hair! He's handsome either way, but I was grateful to see short hair Miles after such a long time.

Scenes from homeschool: Studying pollination, crafts and thank you's for Veteran's Day, how do lungs work, lunch picnic in the living room while watching documentaries, making slime, and poetry tea time. 

My mom turned 72! From now on, we feel like every birthday she makes it to is an incredible blessing. This one felt tender especially since it's been such a rough year. We weren't able to go down, but we participated via zoom. (There we are on the computer:) )

It's been too long since I've gotten my kids out on dates. Miles and I snuck away quickly for an impromptu date the other night to Costa Vida. At one point he said, "Thanks for taking me out to dinner Mom. I really didn't feel like having left-overs tonight." :) And he confirmed that even when he's a super cool teenager, he'll still want to go on dates with me. Love that boy. 

Scenes from the homestead this month, plus the first of our chickens that we ate. Doesn't look pretty here, but it was huge and delicious! 

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...