Tuesday, June 2, 2020

second half of May

The last little bit of school stuff hanging on. We finished mid-May. I've learned to be done with school for sure by Memorial Day, if not before. There's just no attention span from either myself or the kids after that. Pictured here us some seedling transplants the kids and I worked on. The idea was that we start all of our leftover seeds so we could use them up, and not pack them, and then we could sell the starts to help the kids earn a little extra cash. At this point, we may just put the ones that survived into our little garden spot for the new owners. I have a lot to learn about starting seeds! Also pictured is the kids giving their marine animal reports to us while we ate dinner and hung out at this fishing reservoir during yet another showing. We wrapped up our Marine Biology unit finally! Without all of the extra school stuff going on thanks to covid- we were able to really plow through our science unit.

As a reward for finishing their Marine Biology unit, we took the kids to the aquarium. We don't have a pass, and it's super expensive, but if you go on Mondays it's cheaper. Usually we try and avoid "discount nights" because the place is packed. However, with covid, you have to make reservations and they only let a certain number of people in at a time, so crowds weren't an issue. It was the best!! We had entire exhibits to ourselves to just sit and marvel without hurry.

Mother's Day Luncheon- My mom threw another Mother's Day luncheon for all of us gals on the Crosby side. The girls and I (plus Davy) made a quick trip down to participate. Richie took Miles and Benson camping with the Garner crew. It was regency era themed, so we all dressed up accordingly and had a tea party at Adrienne's. Mom taught us about proper manners of the era, and we found our regency names and beaus etc. Then we went to a "paint your own" pottery place and painted tea cups. :) Such a fun, quick visit. Grandpa spoiled us with yummy food and ice cream out on the deck every day. He and Davy got to hang out while us girls were partying and they seemed to really be chums on this trip. The only downside of the trip was that the day before we were supposed to leave, Grandma got really sick. Her occasional double vision and minor head aches (from the cancer)turned into extreme double vision, migraines, vertigo etc. We didn't see her at all on Sunday. Those symptoms are persisting and we are all a little worried and sad for Mom while she's experiencing this.

Parks finally open! Hallelujah! What a relief! We were actually able to utilize parks a little bit while we still had showings. Whew!

I turned 34! I wanted to spend some time with family, have some time to myself etc. I tried to be proactive about planning things. On Saturday we walked by the Jordan River as a family and had a nice time exploring. I also had time to go to the gym and go shopping for some needed new clothes.

The bowling place in Riverton offers free bowling to kids during the Summer, so we always try to hit that up at least once. This time was my favorite time yet because Benson is growing up enough to understand that he needs to stay near me and not constantly be running to the video games or out the door. And Davy got to stay home with Dad! So much easier!

On Memorial Day, we visit the graves of Matthew and Karl and Helen at the Bluffdale cemetery. Because of Covid, they didn't have the usual program and I really missed that. But it was nice to have quiet time at the cemetery with family. Then we went on a hike up Bell's Canyon. Beautiful, relatively easy. Win-win.

After about a year, Miles was published in "The Friend" Ha! I read his excerpt and didn't remember anything about the story, but he was very excited about that. Also some garden pictures. Even though we're moving, we're trying to keep the garden looking nice. Gwen is turning into quite the tree climber.

With an official move date (June 18th) we have started being really intentional about hanging out with friends before we go. This night it was me with the old primary presidency. I sure love these ladies. We ate and talked till our families were wondering where we were. :)

Lindy got her first blackout, on our summer bingo charts. She was so proud! As her reward she chose to have a movie night with friends. We got stuff for root beer floats and watched the new Aladdin. In my head, these types of gatherings are always going to be so easy. But I always have a hard time with them. I'm too much of a control freak! It always turns into a loud, play date, and no one ever wants to sit and watch the show. But if I turn it off so they can play, there is an outcry. ?

International Peace Garden- I have wanted to take the kids here for a few years. Going someplace you've never been before is always an adventure. As long as I kept the kids motivated and distracted by moving from one "exhibit" to the next, they forgot how muggy and hot it was.

If this is any indicator of the future, we must be in for Benson 2.0. Davy somehow climbed up into the sink in the kids bathroom while Richie and I were getting ready for church. He turned on both faucets and let them run till the entire bathroom was covered in water. We found him, laughed it off and cleaned it up. Until later, when I went downstairs and found soggy carpet and a soggy ceiling. One more thing to fix before we get out of here.

There are perks to home church, and some things I really miss about meeting in a congregation. The last few weeks have felt hard. This week however was wonderful. All the kids willingly participated, Miles created a lesson on powerpoint... It was a good memory to tuck away.

No pictures for this update, but just for the sake of posterity...Here's an update on our home selling drama. It had been on the market for 3 months, we had 3 open houses, and over 40 showings. It was...traumatic. Then a few weeks ago, we got a solid offer. Our realtor assured us they wouldn't be backing out. They did the final inspection and walk through. It was all good. Then on Richie's official last day of seminary, the day before we closed, the backed out. It was a total punch to the gut. We are possibly getting an offer from some backups...we will see. Our faith in people's promises is hanging by a thread at this point. We were promised a job for a year, and then it didn't happen. We have had 2 home offers, and they have both backed out. The doctor's keep changing their minds about my Mom's treatments and the severity of her illness...It's a lot. We are certain things will work out, and that Heavenly Father is in charge. In the meantime we are trying to figure out what we are supposed to learn through all of this, and it's exhausting.

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...