Wednesday, September 25, 2019

First Half of September

Peaches are on!! This was the day we celebrated Benson's birthday, a Saturday. After cake and presents, we brought out his bouncy ball and balance bike to try out. He found a peach that had fallen off the tree and went to town. Juice dripping down his arms, in his overalls....just such a perfect moment. Lindy joined in on the fun, following in his footsteps.

Jeremy Lis....So many things I could write. Jeremy is basically the reason Richie and I met. Jeremy and I met in St. George the summer before I came up to BYU-Idaho. We became fast friends and he helped me get settled at college. We decided to help each other find dates. He immediately thought I'd like his roommate, Richie. :) Richie and Jeremy talk on the phone every few months, which by Richie's standards, is a lot. He's probably Richie's best guy friend. But since he lives in Wisconsin, we haven't seen him in probably 10 years. The stars aligned, and he was in the area for a wedding or something. So he came to our house and we talked, and talked and talked. It was insanely good to see him.

More pictures of my one-on-one time with Benson on Wednesdays. Color baths, trips to new libraries, PB&J's cut into cool's all very fun. It reminds me of when I just had Miles and Gwen, and the simplicity and sweetness of it all. And how tiring 2 littles can be, let's be honest.

Are you kidding me with this Davy cuteness right now???

The kids are involved in lots of extra curricular things. We sign up for extra "unit studies" through Canyon Grove as we feel capable. This first session was Frisbee Golf, Face Painting, and Fishing. They have really loved it. I've been nervous for Lindy who seems so young every time I send her off on the bus. I'm so glad she has her older 2 siblings to watch out for her. Miles and Gwen are also doing a P.E. class for homeschoolers at the Rec Center on Tuesdays all year. They are loving it. These two things require that they get their school work done fairly early in the day. It's proving to be challenging, but they are rising to it. We also have a nature study/science homeschool co-op on Thursdays. We are spending as much time outside as possible! It's been a real change of pace from the homeschool groups we have done it's taking a little getting used to, but it's good.

Carmen and Carl-Again, so much to say here... The Anderson family is "the" family Richie baptized on his mission. We've kept in touch over the years and they are truly wonderful people. Their adopted son Thomas decided to serve a mission and got sent to the SLC mission!! So they came out here from Texas for a month to take him through the temple, missionary shopping, drop him off at the MTC...all that jazz. So we've got to see them quite a few times, including Richie going through the temple with them up in Logan, and being with them as they were sealed together. So Awesome! They came to visit on of Richie's seminary classes and chat with hit students. It's all coming full circle and it's amazing. It's crazy to think that Richie and I, right now, are how old Carmen and Carl were when Richie met them on his mission. We have a 10 year old and an 8 year old, just like they did. And now their son is going on a mission. Crazy.

Our neighbors down the road built the cutest "Free Little Library". Look it up, it's a thing. The kids have been running up and down the street constantly since then. Putting some of our old books in it, taking new ones out. What a great way to get to know your neighbors, promote reading, and provide a service. I want one!

Harvest Time!! We're up to our ears in produce! Late night canning sessions are the norm. I love it. It's almost done now though. I can feel it slowing down. I love that part too. :)

Everyday happenings. Can't remember which pictures I added here. I know there's one of a grumpy Gwen, Lindy working on her letters, a normal, wonderful morning scene with all 5 of my beautiful children eating breakfast-one of those moments where it just hits me how blessed I am. A "late-over" Gwen threw because she was feeling sad that we don't do sleepovers (her first time really feeling the sting of that rule) So we had about a bazillion girls over to watch the new "Aladdin" and eat ice cream. :) An activity days, where we talked about including everyone and being bucket fillers- we played "reverse musical chairs". Instead of someone being left out every time, in this game you take a chair away every time, but have to find a way to include every girl in the circle still.

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...