Sunday, February 3, 2019

Happy Birthday Miles! The Big 1-0!

The Main Man Miles turned 10! I usually feel more mentally invested when it comes time for birthday celebrations, but this year with pregnancy and a sinus infection, we just did the best we could. Miles was also a tad sick with a cough. Sick enough that he felt the need to call me from his 1 day a week school at Canyon Grove, and have me pick him up a whole 15 minutes early. It had been a long day, and for some reason, this didn't really help. So when we got home and Dad unveiled Miles's birthday present (a street hockey set up), instead of enjoying the excitement, I went and crashed on the bed. But everyone else had fun, and after my cat-nap, I felt up for the rest of the night. Miles requested Papa Murphey's pizza, and red, white, and blue cupcakes. After we ate, we picked up his good friend Parker and went to Nickel Mania. Having a friend come really made it feel more like a party, even though I told him no friend party this year. After the kids wore themselves out playing $2 worth of nickel-cade games, and agonizing over how to spend their tickets, we came home to have cupcakes and ice cream. I was worried that he was disappointed about how his birthday turned out. He didn't seem as openly excited about everything. But I think it ended up being a pretty good day, because the next morning when he was getting ready, I found him quietly crying on his bed. When I asked him what was up, he said he was just feeling sad because yesterday had been such a great day and now he has to wait a whole year for his next birthday. :)

This kid is growing and maturing at a crazy fast rate. He is a hard worker and rarely complains about the task ahead. Even when he sometimes wishes he didn't have to do something (usually school), after a moment, he just rolls his sleeves up and gets it done. He is constantly on the look out for how others are feeling and acts accordingly. He's always been my sensitive kid, which is great when it comes to reading people's emotions and being mature enough to set aside his own wants and desires in order to help those around him. But it can also be hard when others don't respond kindly to him when he's having a tough time. He loves goofing around with friends, which usually means playing pokemon, video games, or sports outside. He is such a great big brother. Yes, there is teasing and yes, they have fights, but overall I couldn't ask for a better example or helper for my first child. He is constantly expressing his love to me and others, sometimes sincerely saying "I love you" etc multiple times until I have to get him back on track to wherever he was going.
Love this boy of mine.

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...