Monday, December 31, 2018

The rest of December

I've mostly given up on trying to get Richie to want to come to temple square to see the lights. I understand how much he hates it, so I haven't pushed it for quite a few years. :) This year, going to see the park lights in Draper was an excellent compromise. It's pretty spectacular, and almost no crowd. Win win!! The lights were a hit, but the real highlight to Gwen and Lindy was rolling down the hill multiple times until Gwen got an epic bloody nose.

Jeffrey and McKenna finally tied the knot!! We're so excited for them and to officially have McKenna in the family! They are such a perfect, perfect match. We worked hard the night before the wedding to get everything ready for the luncheon the next day. It turned out beautifully! The next day was a marathon of wedding events including the sealing at the Provo City Center temple which we had never been to before (it was so pretty), pictures afterward, then the luncheon, then after a busy break, the ring ceremony where Miles was the ring bearer, and Lindy and Gwen were both flower girls, then the reception. Getting to the ring ceremony was stressful for us for a number of reasons, and then Benson was beyond tired at the reception and wasn't afraid to show it. :) Life! We were just glad we were able to participate in all of the events and support Jefrrey and McKenna!

Scone day at Dad's work is always a good excuse to make the trek up to West Valley!

Since Mom and Dad are still serving at Cove Fort and couldn't be with us on Christmas, this being our on year to be together, they threw a party for our family the week before Christmas. We all met at the fort and had lunch, a white elephant gift exchange, and a horse drawn hay ride! I hope my kids always remember these types of gatherings and the love they feel from their family members.

The Sunday after Christmas, the primary typically does "rolos for solos" during singing time. All three kids performed, but this picture of Lindy playing her glockenspiel was the only one that turned out. I was so proud of them for being willing to share their talents. They are way braver than me! Gwen played piano and sung, "I am a Child of God", Miles played ukulele and sang "Away in a Manger", Lindy played "I am a Child of God".

This is an old poem, but I never documented it. Gwen wrote it for her herb-loving Grandma Garner, and I just get such a kick out of it. Gwen seems to have a real knack with the words if you ask me. :)

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...