Sunday, December 31, 2017

First week in December

Our 10 year old computer bit the dust this month. 10 years in computer time is pretty much an eternity. The people at the repair shop were obviously shocked that I still had such a dinosaur of a computer. I should have showed them Richie's flip phone and really wowed them! So while we were upgrading to a slightly newer, used version, I was computer-less. Hence the lack of blogging. Now I'm playing catch up!

Gwen's group performing at the Festival of Trees. I felt more prepared this year and let Benson stay at Grandma's house to nap, so it wasn't stressful at all. It was a really fun afternoon cheering Gwen on, eating a cinnamon roll, and picking out our favorite trees. You could stay there all day and still not get bored!

We lucked into a TON of cranberries, so I thought I would have the kids help me string some for the chickens to peck at.

Science today was using chromatography paper. (Is that the right word?) The kids had fun hunting or things to make prints of, laying out their design on the paper and waiting for the sun to do it's work. Unfortunately the outcomes were less exciting than the process.

Cute Lindy sleeping. Checking on my kids after they have fallen asleep is truly one of my great pleasures.

It isn't Christmas until we've been to the Cori Connors concert! Such a fun tradition that we look forward to with much anticipation. She had us all in tears, as usual.

Gwen performing at the Riverton Town Holly Days. It was freezing cold! We did out bet to enjoy it though. My favorite part was when the kids got in line to see Santa, and Lindy was visibly anxious. The closer we got, the more frantic she became until she fled out of the line to where I was standing. I tried to convince her that it would be fine and he would give her a candy cane, but she didn't have to go if she didn't want to. That's when she burst into tears, and sobbed, "I don't want to go, but I want the caaannndeeeeee!" She eventually tip toed up for a candy and then ran away.

We had the coolest freezing fog here the other day! Some of Jack Frost's finest work really!

Movin' and Groovin' pajama party at the library. Although it was geared for Lindy's age, she was "too cool" to participate. Gwen thought it was fun. Miles was too old, or so I thought, until I turned around for a second, and then realize he's up at the front helping the librarian lead the kids in a dance! She was having other kids come up as sort of a "Do what I'm doing" thing. I was both shocked that he was up there, and also happy that he doesn't think he's too old yet. I know I'm gonna blink and he's going to be all grown up!

"I was thirsty and ye gave me drink" One of our light the world activities included donating some bottled water to a nearby food bank.

Miles at pack meeting with his friend Colton. I brought sugar cookies to decorate and they went to town!

Benson LOVES baby Cecily at home school group. He can't get enough of her! So I took a picture in case they get married later, and I'll be able to prove their record-long courtship. :)

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...