Sunday, October 15, 2017

First half of October

1. Fall sensory box. I just keep pulling out all my tried and true sensory stuff, and I think the kids are getting a little bored with it. Time to think of some new ones! 2. Practicing spelling words by stamping them out. 3. practicing spelling words by playing tic tac toe

For years, Richie's brothers sold the many pumpkins they grew in their garden, to help them earn money. Well, the boys are all grown up, so Grandma Garner said that we could sell them and use the money for our tree house fund. We neglected to bring the truck to haul the pumpkins away because we didn't want to switch car seats over, so our van was PACKED full of pumpkins. I'm amazed it all fit. 30+ pumpkins! Under our feet, in our laps, piled to the ceiling in the back... It was comical. We've already sold out! The kids felt very grown up handling all the transactions.

A few photos of Lindy's joy school, the day we hosted most recently. I think I've convinced the other moms to let me host at our house, instead of at the Stone's house in West Jordan, which is a game changer. This is my 5th year doing joy school, and while each year is a bit different, this one is proving to take me the longest to feel like I'm in a groove. It's fun watching Lindy be so capable and feeling so special.

Some weeks, I barely pull meals together. Other times, I seem to have enough energy to get creative. This was a new one: Beetza! For someone who doesn't necessarily like beets or kale, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this pizza. Pizza crust, beet sauce, topped with walnuts, kale, onions, and goat cheese. After we forced the kids to eat a few bites, even they discovered they liked it! Win!

Miles decided he wanted to try out tennis at the rec center. It's Wednesdays in October, so it's just a fun little introduction. The other night, I watched the class going on and saw that he didn't "win" a game they were playing. He was fighting back tears the rest of the lesson. I was actually a little glad, because it's good for him to have to learn these lessons. I figured he would be sad about it, then get over it. But at the end of the lesson he collapsed into my arms and sobbed. It's rough growing up!

Homeschool group day: Studying Thanksgiving! We had our own little feast. I got a kick out of what the kids wrote they were grateful for.

In out window well in the school room, we have been having quite the spider show. There are 2 black widows, 1 wolf, and 1 orb spider (that we can see). Any spiders that enter my house get killed on sight. I try to leave them alone outside, but I still don't like them. However, it's been completely fascinating to watch them. How many people get to be that up close to actually watch a spider spin a web, or catch and eat it's prey? It's been fun and all, but I won't be sad to see them go. :)

We love having friends over! Sometime I forget to set up "play dates" because we just get too "in our own little world" but the kids have some really good friends in the neighborhood. Here's Miles and Parker pushing each other on the tire swing, and Gwen and Lindy with Kayla and Alyssa playing dolls. :)

The leaves were starting to chance colors here in the valley, so I knew that if we didn't get up to the mountains soon, we'd miss the leaves at their peak. So although this particular Saturday was a busy one, we made it a priority to get up in the mountains and hike around. We just went up behind the Draper temple. The leaves were breathtaking!! Fall is definitely my favorite season. I wish it was fall 95% of the time.

Cute chubby-faced Benson in a hat. :)

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September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...