Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Conference Weekend

I often sit back and marvel at how blessed we are as a family. I can't believe I got so lucky! Though sometimes, I get caught up in the comparison game and I will begin to feel a little jealous because our family doesn't have certain things, or do certain things, or go certain places. But I never feel that way on weekends like this last one.

Grandma and Grandpa Garner bought 508 pounds of apples and we spent all weekend turning those apples into delicious applesauce and apple juice. My kids heads were stuffed full of wonderful, warm memories that help them develop into well rounded kids now, and will sustain them through tougher times as they get older. They must be some of the luckiest kids on the planet. They ran around all weekend with their cousins, climbing trees, jumping on the tramp, swinging, picking carrots and eating them straight from the garden,playing make believe, nibbling on raspberries straight from the bush, and helping us make applesauce. This is the first year I felt like they were actually helping the process and not "helping". :) Miles especially surprised me with his tenacity. You could tell he felt very capable and grown up as he kept on with the process when the other kids would give up. We stopped only to eat here and there, and the kids watched one movie. But the hard work felt good. (Miles took that last picture of Ethan all by himself!)

Saturday we listened to the first session of conference inside while we waited for a little rain to pass. But as soon as the first (amazing!) session was over, we cranked out something like 30 gallons of apple juice. It's a much quicker process than applesauce. The kids tried bobbing for apples, and had some success. :) We cut pumpkins off the vine, chose our favorites, then were told we could take the rest home for the kids to sell-just like the Garner kids used to do- which Miles was very excited about. We cooked and tried to keep kids quiet while we listened to the 2nd session, then feasted together.

On Sunday we had Tucker and Belen, Taysom, Ilah and her 2 roommates over for conference! How fun it is for us that so many of my nieces and nephews are up here in northern Utah! We missed Zadi and Jesse because they got sick! Boo. We made German pancakes and cooked farm fresh bacon. YUM. We only eat like that when it's conference, or Christmas. That's how exciting conference is. :) The kids loved having so much attention and it was so fun for me to see everyone. We threw together some tomato soup and toasted cheesers for lunch, and then they were on their way after the 2nd session. We rounded the day off back at the Garners for dinner to celebrate Jacob's birthday. What a fantastic weekend!

1 comment:

Becca said...

That weekend looks absolutely perfect! Im also super impressed with how you keep up your blog! Each year seems to get tougher and tougher, but when I look back on my past blog posts I'm always so glad that I blogged. I need to get back to it!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...