*The other day at dinner, Dad announced that he had lost some weight that week. I congratulated him and then you said, "Yeah, Dad's thin now! And you (looking at me) are still....thick!" :)
*You can't get enough of scouts. You are so excited to participate! We went to your first pack meeting the other night, and you were so excited to see the other boys in your den. You kept going up to them, giving them high fives, and saying, "Hey! Carter! How's it goin man?" etc. So cute.
*This past week at Grandma Linda's funeral, you finished all of your lunch at the luncheon, and then asked if you could get dessert. We said yes, and you came back from the dessert table with not 1, but an entire plate full of desserts! We told you that you had to choose just one, and you were completely heart broken, and even shocked that we wouldn't let you eat 6 desserts. You did a fair amount of pouting, which is more and more unusual for you at this point, so it kind of surprised me. It took you a full day to recover from the "heartbreak." You even tried sneaking more desserts back at Grandma Linda's house!
*You are a big movie quoter. You're always talking in movie quotes. They always seem to correlate to the topic at hand, at least in your mind. :) Sometimes, the rest of us are scratching our heads as to what that quote has to do with anything, but sometimes it's right on point. You sure remember a lot of quotes!
*You must be growing because your appetite seems big these days! Your go to extra food after a meal is a banana. Last night, you went back for 2 after a full dinner! Today at dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house, you kept asking your cousins if you could have some of their dessert. Lindy and Caleb were very willing, but I had to rein you back. :)
*I haven't been the best at waking up early to read scriptures with you these days. It seems like your 3 siblings are on a very specific schedule to keep Dad and I up all night lately. So for the past couple of days, I'll begin making breakfast and apologize to you for not getting up to read, and I'm very pleasantly surprised to find out that you've already read them on your own! Parenting win!
*The other night after we got you kids in bed, I unintentionally crashed on my bed and fell asleep. I woke up to you putting a blanket on me, trying to lift my head under a pillow, and you putting lotion on my feet and then my socks on my feet. I said thank you and asked what I did to deserve such a sweet gesture. You said, "You're always doing nice things for us, so I thought I'd do this for you." :)
*So around Christmas, I bought 2 backpacks on clearance to save for yours and Lindy's birthdays. Well, you found the backpacks in the gift closet and claimed a specific one for when your birthday came around. So today, (Lindy's birthday) I gave her the other backpack, and you the one that you requested- so that you could both use them this weekend when we went to Idaho for Grandma Linda's funeral. When you saw Lindy's, you decided you liked that one better and put up quite the fight. It became quite intense, and ended up with you and Lindy shouting/hitting/scratching etc. You were the main instigator so I swatted your bottom and told you to go to your room until I had a minute to come and talk to you. As you slammed your door, you screamed, "I'm such a bad sister!!!" You were beside yourself thinking about how bad you had been. It broke my heart. You and I talked and hugged for a long time on the floor in your room. Hopefully something I said helped you feel better about yourself, because you are a phenomenal sister!
*Your appetite seems so dainty these days. I worry a little bit that you're not getting enough food but you always say you're full. But that is kind of how you've always been. I still remember you being about 2 and we were leaving the Winner School where I was teaching. They had handed out some sort of treat that day that you and Miles were eating as I buckled you in your car seats. Miles had already finished his, but you took about 2 bites and then told me you were done. I was dumb-founded! Miles promptly offered to finish it wouldn't go to waste. :)
*Reading is still your favorite thing in the world. You could read all day. And you're improving all the time, so you can read more things, which you love. Your top bunk bed is usually full of books that you read as you fall asleep.
*I love your Lindy-ese. Some favorites are: *Zebra= "Yeer-bah" *Lipstick= "Lip-Kip" *Yogurt= "Yo-Ert" (Gwen used to call it "Oh-grit".) She still calls Nail Polish, "Pol Nailish"
*You frequently tell us, "I love you SO much!" Sometimes you'll tell me how much you love me, and then list off every person in our family. You also frequently tell me, "Thank you for this yummy breakfast/lunch/dinner." Without being prompted. You are also great at saying "sorry" when your actions warrant it. Also without being prompted. It makes me so happy!
*You favorite joke is still "Poopy Diaper". It's your go-to funny line.
*Your imagination is really taking off. You'll nap about 50% of the time-usually on mom and dad's bed. When you don't fall asleep, I still expect you to stay and rest in our room for a good portion of quiet time. But your resources for entertainment are fairly limited in there. So I'll peek in on you and frequently find you in the middle of some elaborate story, using a comb and some socks, or whatever else was handy. It also means that sometimes you get into things you shouldn't- like the lotion or Dad's after shave.
*You are really into the idea of friends these days. Makes me think I should start trying to do playdates for you etc, but I'm just too tired. You cry every time I drop Miles and Gwen off for art class at the Beckstrom's house, and you're constantly saying, " I want to play with friends. Lots and lots of friends." You specifically mention Ethan and Caleb a lot.
*You have a big problem pinching Benson. Dad and I are at a loss. We've tried just talking to you about it, time outs, making you apologize and we have moved onto just pinching you back. We don't know how else to get you to stop it. If we catch you doing it, you are totally trying to sneak it in and you smile as you do it. Then once you are caught, you are very sorrowful and can deliver a very heartfelt apology. But then you'll pinch him again 15 seconds later! We're at a loss.
*You want to be in dance class so badly. I have told you over and over again, that you can take dance when you get older. Somewhere along the line, the kids decided that "older" was 3. Now that you are 3, you think you should be able to go to dance class like Gwen. I am not ready for that though. So, Gwen took it upon herself to teach you how to dance in your own little dance class. At least 3 times a day, you'll say, "Watch me Mommy!" And then move your body in some (unrehearsed) way. I'll compliment you, and then you'll say, "Yeah, I learned it in my dance class. They're my moves."
*You are really loving Hide and Seek (which you don't quite grasp yet, so your "hiding" places are hilarious). And also really into giving me "surprises". Which means, you'll pick a random object, show it to me, then tell me to close my eyes. Then you either hide the object, and lead me right to it, or just pull the object (which I've already seen) from behind your back, and say, "Surprise!"
*Thank goodness for your patience. It is much needed. The other day I had you in your bouncer while I was making breakfast (like I always do). Usually you are totally chill to just wait until I can pick you up. But that day you were a tad fussy; just a tad. So I let you whine just a bit, but when I picked you up I realized you had blown out of your diaper in a major way. No wonder you had fussed a bit! It was such a major blow out, I couldn't believe you weren't screaming for me to change you. This instance is indicative of your personality. 90% of the time, you patiently wait for me to come get you after a nap, or change your diaper, or give you more attention after I lay you on the floor while I take a bathroom break.
*You are starting to get more personality. Still not a lot of crying ever, but if you are upset, you have this really loud grunt you do.
*People keep saying how much you look like Miles.
*You are getting out of that infant stage where you can sleep anywhere, and anytime if you're tired enough. Now, you'll fall asleep in the car on trips, or in a bed/crib. Never in our arms at church etc. It's frustrating because you'll be SO tried, but refuse to go to sleep.
*When we lay you down in your crib, I still kind of swaddle you-just a bit. But then you like to get your arms out, and snuggle with a stuffed animal, then I put another blanket on your legs. It doesn't matter which stuffed animal, you just like to have one to snuggle with.
*A couple weeks ago, you got a bit sick and stopped sleeping through the night. Even after you got better, your sleeping at night was just awful. Dad and I felt like zombies for 2 weeks. We had to re-train you to get you back to sleeping through the night. It was rough, but I think you're back on track, thank goodness!
*You have the cutest habit of smiling and then leaning your head to the side, as if to say, "Aw shucks guys!"
*I don't want to jinx it, but I think you may have curly hair!! Your wispy blonde hair stands straight up on top of your head, except that it swoops back a little towards the top.
*You are doing the cutest little head tilt when you sit in your high chair. I'll feed you a few bites of something, then you'll look at me, smile, and tilt your head to the side. So I'll copy you, and then you tilt your head to the other side, and I'll copy you etc etc etc.
*you are eating more and more solid foods, but you still don't love it like I remember your other siblings loving it. You mostly tolerate solid foods.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Monday, April 24, 2017
Easter 2017
This was one of those weeks where I felt like saying, "I get credit just for trying, right??" I really try to make Easter week a special one, but lately I feel like I'm just eeking by. I think the kids and I all have major spring fever, so school etc is slowing to a bare minimum these days.
We invited our friend's the Andersons over the Sunday before Easter to celebrate Passover with us. Madeline brought a Seder plate and helped explain all the symbols. (I'm bummed all I got was one "meh" picture. It was really cool.) I made our usual lamb and barley casserole, and charoset. We had some flat bread and hummus and grape juice. My kids were disappointed that dessert was just melon and yogurt with honey. It didn't make it any better when I explained that's probably what Jesus would have had for a dessert. :)
We had the elders over for dinner one night (some of my favorite elders yet), and we tried to keep our meal centered on Christ and they shared a wonderful message. Friday night, we had our James cousins over and we tried to dye eggs with silk ties. Super cool on Pinterest...not as cool in real life, but the kids had fun!
But the highlight of the week of course was having Taysom and Tucker come on Saturday to have dinner with us and do an Easter Egg Hunt! Taysom and Tucker are like celebrities at our house. :) And Lindy can't take a normal picture. As soon as she realizes there's a camera pointed at her, she preforms. :)
Sunday they woke up to find a few fun surprises in their Easter baskets. Again, I was lamenting that I just set the buckets in plain view. My mom used to go all out. Individual scavenger hunts with rhyming clues for each kid! Or every kid got a string, and the string was wound all over the house and you had to wind up the string as you followed it to find your basket. Wow! Oh well. ha! I was grateful to teach sharing time on Easter Sunday and have the opportunity to share my testimony of my Savior. When we got home I tried to drag some good photos out of everyone and got a few.
A new-ish tradition at the Garner's house is to have a "traditional" Jewish meal on Easter Sunday. We eat sitting on the floor, lots of finger foods, lots of Passover type foods. Then Grandpa takes the kids on a scavenger hunt to find symbols of Christ. It's very much looked forward to.
We invited our friend's the Andersons over the Sunday before Easter to celebrate Passover with us. Madeline brought a Seder plate and helped explain all the symbols. (I'm bummed all I got was one "meh" picture. It was really cool.) I made our usual lamb and barley casserole, and charoset. We had some flat bread and hummus and grape juice. My kids were disappointed that dessert was just melon and yogurt with honey. It didn't make it any better when I explained that's probably what Jesus would have had for a dessert. :)
We had the elders over for dinner one night (some of my favorite elders yet), and we tried to keep our meal centered on Christ and they shared a wonderful message. Friday night, we had our James cousins over and we tried to dye eggs with silk ties. Super cool on Pinterest...not as cool in real life, but the kids had fun!
But the highlight of the week of course was having Taysom and Tucker come on Saturday to have dinner with us and do an Easter Egg Hunt! Taysom and Tucker are like celebrities at our house. :) And Lindy can't take a normal picture. As soon as she realizes there's a camera pointed at her, she preforms. :)
Sunday they woke up to find a few fun surprises in their Easter baskets. Again, I was lamenting that I just set the buckets in plain view. My mom used to go all out. Individual scavenger hunts with rhyming clues for each kid! Or every kid got a string, and the string was wound all over the house and you had to wind up the string as you followed it to find your basket. Wow! Oh well. ha! I was grateful to teach sharing time on Easter Sunday and have the opportunity to share my testimony of my Savior. When we got home I tried to drag some good photos out of everyone and got a few.
A new-ish tradition at the Garner's house is to have a "traditional" Jewish meal on Easter Sunday. We eat sitting on the floor, lots of finger foods, lots of Passover type foods. Then Grandpa takes the kids on a scavenger hunt to find symbols of Christ. It's very much looked forward to.
For a few years now, Richie has been working with a local farmer. Working meaning, no pay, just in it for the learning experience. It was on and off for a while, but I'd say that the past year, it's been a very regular thing. Most Saturdays Richie wakes up early and works with Shane at Utah Natural Meats for a few hours. Sometimes he's feeding baby cows, washing eggs, rigging up the horses, feeding the animals, etc. Whatever needs to be done, Richie will get it done.
Well, a few months ago, Shane and Richie were talking about the demand for chicken. Shane said he can't keep them on the shelf, they get sold so quickly. Richie asked if he could help supply that demand, and Shane readily agreed. So we ordered 150 baby chicks and put them in our garage...naturally... They had to stay indoors for a while until it was warmer and they were bigger. What an odd, but fun thing, to walk by our garage and hear a chorus of cheeping continually. It was mostly fun until they got bigger and stinkier. Then I was chomping at the bit to GET THEM OUT!
Last weekend it was finally warm enough and the chickens were big enough to take them out to pasture. Shane graciously offered us land to raise the chickens on. In fact, he offered us as much land as we wanted to do whatever we wanted on. (A dream come true for Richie) We'll see if we get ambitious enough to really monetize that offer, but for now, baby steps.
The chickens loved exploring their new digs, the kids loved exploring the pasture,(Gwen has since called it, "A kid's paradise") and although we had a few hiccups, it felt very much like a dream come true. Now Richie stops by on his way home from work to feed and water them, and takes the kids when he can. We may do a few more sets this summer, we'll see. It's been a tremendous learning experience.
Well, a few months ago, Shane and Richie were talking about the demand for chicken. Shane said he can't keep them on the shelf, they get sold so quickly. Richie asked if he could help supply that demand, and Shane readily agreed. So we ordered 150 baby chicks and put them in our garage...naturally... They had to stay indoors for a while until it was warmer and they were bigger. What an odd, but fun thing, to walk by our garage and hear a chorus of cheeping continually. It was mostly fun until they got bigger and stinkier. Then I was chomping at the bit to GET THEM OUT!
Last weekend it was finally warm enough and the chickens were big enough to take them out to pasture. Shane graciously offered us land to raise the chickens on. In fact, he offered us as much land as we wanted to do whatever we wanted on. (A dream come true for Richie) We'll see if we get ambitious enough to really monetize that offer, but for now, baby steps.
The chickens loved exploring their new digs, the kids loved exploring the pasture,(Gwen has since called it, "A kid's paradise") and although we had a few hiccups, it felt very much like a dream come true. Now Richie stops by on his way home from work to feed and water them, and takes the kids when he can. We may do a few more sets this summer, we'll see. It's been a tremendous learning experience.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Everyday stuff in the first half of April
Conference weekend. We did our traditional conference necklaces, pulled out the conference bingo charts I had stashed away, and tried our best to listen and enjoy. We spent one session at one of Richie's college friend's house, the Tanners! It makes me so happy that Richie has a friend close by now, and it's even better that I like his wife and our kids get along great. Another session we invited a family from the ward over. Despite all the effort it takes to try and keep the kids engaged... I still have a hard time getting what I need out of the messages. I usually end up re-listening to them later...when it's quiet. :)
A baby neck roll is a thing of beauty! My mom says that my Grandma Hinckley's favorite place to kiss a baby was on the back of it's neck. Who could blame her?? I can't get enough Benson kisses!!
For our art class the other day, we headed down to BYU to see the Minerva Teichert exhibit. We stopped at Krispy Kreme before and watched the doughnuts being made and snacked on a few. Then we enjoyed the exhibit. Minerva Teichert is one of my Mom's favorites, so it was fun to share that with the kids. I would have liked to linger at each painting and read the description, but you know how kids are at museums. You are constantly bouncing from one thing to the next. Afterward, we took our packed lunches to a park near the Provo temple and played in some gorgeous springtime weather! It was a good day.
I think my kids have THE BEST aunts and uncles EVER. This past weekend, Aunt Makenna offered to take the 3 oldest for a sleepover, just for fun! The kids were thrilled, and Lindy felt so special looking forward to her very first sleepover. They got to play with cousins and go to the Gateway children's museum! We met Makenna at a Cracker Barrel because we had a gift card there, and we enjoyed an early dinner together. One day my kids are gonna realize how luck they are to have such cool aunts and uncles!
We had a really wet snow the other day. It wasn't much, but it was enough to break our neighbors tree in half! I'm so sad about it. That tree filled our front window and door views with the most beautiful white blossoms in spring, and orange leaves in the fall. Richie and his dad helped them clean it up. I'm hoping they keep the other half.
I love the convenience of having a smart phone to take pictures, but the problem is that they aren't the best quality. Then after I snapped this less than stellar photo, my phone died. For Homeschool group the other day, we were supposed to be studying the family tree of Henry the 8th, but that's just ridiculous. So we went to the Family History Museum up in SLC to study our own family history instead. What a cool place!! I can't wait to go back again.
Nice face Gwen. :)
Park Day! Since we've been trying to use our Thursdays to do field trip type stuff, the other day we spent the morning reading books, then we went to the library to trade out for more! After we were done there, we ate a picnic lunch and played at the park. It was Benson's first time in a swing, which he loved. :)
Remember those baby chicks we got the day Miles got baptized? They're getting bigger! (surprise, surprise!) We got the coop up and working, but I still want to paint it barn red. It looks nice and cozy, nestled between the asian pear tree and the apple tree. In the mornings, we let them out to "express their chicken-ness", as Joel Salatin would say. They peck and scratch all over the back end of the garden and compost pile. So far, we haven't even had to worry about putting fencing up to keep them in. There is plenty of good food to eat for them in the back. :) And isn't that apple blossom to die for?? Usually the pear tree blossoms are my favorite, but this year, the apple blossoms win. They are so sweet and daintily pink. Ahhh Spring!
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
The rest of March
Celebrating Rainbow Day at Makenna's house during homeschool! She always makes it so fun! On St. Patrick's Day, the kid's dressed in their tye-dye shirts and bows they made at art class with BreAnn, and that night we had Jeffrey and Cora over for some Irish Stew and Soda Bread. Good Times.
Lindy getting Benson to laugh
We used our Thanksgiving Point pass again and went with some neighbors of ours who also homeschool. It was a fun break day from the usual grind. My favorite parts were watching Gwen conquer the swings and being able to pump herself and watching Lindy have no fear and jump right onto the zipline, over and over again. Unfortunately Miles started feeling sick as soon as we left to get lunch at a fun pizza place.
Richie loves working with the kids in the garden. He's even getting Benson in on the action. Here they are working on turning the old play house into the chicken coop.
Caught Benson after rolling from back to tummy for the first time!
We were studying Volcanoes for science, so we made a really quick one, on a Sunday afternoon.
Homeschool day at BreAnns- Benson with baby friend Rennick, and the kids making their Columbus boats out of fruit.
Art Class here again- This time talking about Form. We made found art sculptures. :) Basically just arranging recyclables onto a cardboard surface, and then spray painting it all one color. They were surprisingly into this!
Homeschool days- Some shots of our day-to-day home school life. Recently, we started making some changes to our homeschool routine. It always seems like once you find a good groove, it's time to chance it again. So now we do our every day stuff (math, and reading mostly) 3 days a week. (MWF) And then Tuesday we do history/homeschool group all day. And Now we're using Thursdays to run errands, go to the library, or do fun field trips. It's letting everyone breathe a little more freely.
Celebrating March Birthdays! Gwen, Lindy and Grandma! (Missing Amanda!)
Two Sisters playing in the rain
We got screamin deals on tickets to go see some awesome plays last week. Gwen and I got to go see "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" at the Hale Center Theater. It was so fantastic!! We went with some others from our home school group and had such a great time. Then later in the week, Miles and Dad got to go with some in the homeschool group to go see the Broadway version of "Lion King" up in SLC. They raved about it! Such fun outings.
The kids spent a good chunk of time arranging their new fairy garden. I'm glad they had fun with it!
Lindy getting Benson to laugh
We used our Thanksgiving Point pass again and went with some neighbors of ours who also homeschool. It was a fun break day from the usual grind. My favorite parts were watching Gwen conquer the swings and being able to pump herself and watching Lindy have no fear and jump right onto the zipline, over and over again. Unfortunately Miles started feeling sick as soon as we left to get lunch at a fun pizza place.
Richie loves working with the kids in the garden. He's even getting Benson in on the action. Here they are working on turning the old play house into the chicken coop.
Caught Benson after rolling from back to tummy for the first time!
We were studying Volcanoes for science, so we made a really quick one, on a Sunday afternoon.
Homeschool day at BreAnns- Benson with baby friend Rennick, and the kids making their Columbus boats out of fruit.
Art Class here again- This time talking about Form. We made found art sculptures. :) Basically just arranging recyclables onto a cardboard surface, and then spray painting it all one color. They were surprisingly into this!
Homeschool days- Some shots of our day-to-day home school life. Recently, we started making some changes to our homeschool routine. It always seems like once you find a good groove, it's time to chance it again. So now we do our every day stuff (math, and reading mostly) 3 days a week. (MWF) And then Tuesday we do history/homeschool group all day. And Now we're using Thursdays to run errands, go to the library, or do fun field trips. It's letting everyone breathe a little more freely.
Celebrating March Birthdays! Gwen, Lindy and Grandma! (Missing Amanda!)
Two Sisters playing in the rain
We got screamin deals on tickets to go see some awesome plays last week. Gwen and I got to go see "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" at the Hale Center Theater. It was so fantastic!! We went with some others from our home school group and had such a great time. Then later in the week, Miles and Dad got to go with some in the homeschool group to go see the Broadway version of "Lion King" up in SLC. They raved about it! Such fun outings.
The kids spent a good chunk of time arranging their new fairy garden. I'm glad they had fun with it!
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September 2022
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...
We finally have our baby here and life is good! This post won't be long, but I know everyone is waiting for pictures and I don't bla...