Monday, January 16, 2017

First Half of January

I can hardly believe it, but our Miles is turning 8 at the end of this month. Time really does fly. We are doing our best to prepare him to make and keep those sacred covenants, so a lot of our FHE's have been baptism centered. Most of them are very low key, just reading a few scriptures or books etc. But I got crafty for this one. All it was was a punch board with questions (and a piece of candy) inside, but the kids found it very entertaining.

Home school stuff- We got to a really fun part in our history curriculum, studying all about Robin Hood and King Richard, and Knights etc. I only snapped one picture when we hosted last month, of "archery practice". Other pictures are from our Medieval feast. I wish I would have snapped more! We decided not to do a Christmas family meal this year, and instead opted for family dinner in January. It was much less hectic this way and we kept rolling with our Medieval theme. We ate artisan bread, potato and leek soup, roasted chicken legs, mini chicken pot pies, and 2 fancy displays of fruit and vegetables. For dessert the kids had Sword in the Stone cupcakes, while watching the show and the parents chatted. So much fun!

Cute Benson

My parents spent some time with us on their way to the MTC to get ready for their mission to Cove Fort. Couldn't be more excited for them and to visit them at the fort!

Our basement flooded. Yay. We had just set some goals and plans for the year and decided we were going to try and get new flooring on our first floor. We had a guy in our ward who has a flooring business come and give us a quote and were all excited. Then I went downstairs on a Sunday afternoon to grab something from the storage room, and saw water pouring out of our utility closet and noticed immediately that the carpet was completely saturated. We don't go downstairs much on the weekends. We mostly utilize it for school time, so we figure that the Reverse Osmosis System (the cause) must have frozen and then burst on Saturday night and run all night, and all Sunday till about 3 when we realized it was happening.
The disaster company came and brought fans and a dehumidifier that had to run 24-7 for almost 4 days. It was so noisy and it made it look like a bomb went off downstairs, but the kids thought it was great fun to run around in the tornado that was the basement. Hopefully this week they will come repair the walls and put in new flooring, fingers crossed the insurance covers a new RO system, and then I'll get everything put back together.
Our insurance will cover damages after we pay the deductible, so that's good. And we're also excited to get new flooring downstairs (bedrooms excluded), because the carpet was old and worn. I guess flooring for upstairs will just have to wait!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Oh no! Basement flooding can be such a disaster. I'm glad it wasn't worse. Also great news that insurance will pay! Maybe you can still get new flooring upstairs after all! Love the pictures of Benson and the updates on your kids. I can't believe how much they have grown and changed in just 6 months!
Love you!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...