Sunday, July 3, 2016

The rest of June

Some days I get the kids in bed, collapse on my bed, and wonder why in the world I am so tired. Then I look back at the pictures I've taken and think, 'Oh yeah, it's because we're running around doing all of these things!" Even when we don't go out and do things, and we just "take it easy" at home, I'm still completely wiped out by the end of the day. I don't know if I should be expecting to be more or less tired once baby gets here...I guess we'll find out soon enough eh?

A homeschooling friend of ours invited us over on day to swim at her parent's home. It's some of the most beautiful and well-maintained property I've ever seen. Gwen kept saying she felt like she was a fairy in a fairy land. The pool looks like a pond, but the water is clean pool water. They kids swam around all day. Lindy wanted to be more adventurous, but I was nervous to swim in past where I could touch. I've never been swimming while pregnant before, and I was worried I wouldn't be able to support myself! Ha!

The kids love working with their dad. Richie built a cool trellis to hopefully help our tomatoes grow up and not out this year. So far so good. I think this is the best our garden has ever looked. Speaking of which, check out those peas! Of course, we would like to have about a million times more, but we had a nice little harvest and the kids were big helpers. We're also still struggling to get the truck in good condition. We've stopped dealing with the auto dealership people, who we feel were dishonest with us. So Richie has tried to do all he knows how to do to fix the problems. This week, we'll probably take it into a shop somewhere and hopefully have a top notch truck at the end of this frustrating experience.

Another splash pad day with friends! Can't have too many of those!

Miles and Gwen started swimming lessons the last two weeks of June. I searched high and low for the best experience for the best price, and I think I found it. The kids ask every day if it's swimming lessons! After her first day, Gwen made her teacher a huge "thank you card" on this poster board and proudly presented it to her. :) The only time slot available for this session was during Lindy's nap time. I had to take her a few times, which was 2 hours of torture. Luckily, the in laws stepped in and let her nap at their house the rest of the time. Then I could just sit and swell up in the sun while I watched my kids swim, sans Lindy. I'm looking forward to the other sessions I signed up for, because they are in the morning and maybe I won't get so swollen. In just the 6 lessons they had this session, both kids show HUGE improvement! Gwen is 100 times more brave in the water, and Miles's technique is actually approaching looking like swimming! Totally worth it.

Last week we ventured up to SLC's Liberty Park to be with friends and check out the Canyons "splash pad". We've been before, and it's always a hit.

Richie and I celebrated 9 years of wedded bliss. :) We got the in-laws to take the kids overnight while we went to the temple and out to dinner. My favorite part was after we stopped at a favorite place to get dessert, we headed home and didn't have to put the kids to bed!! And then... in the morning...we didn't have to immediately go into parent mode! Ah what a luxury. We celebrated our family birthday that night with the kids by doing special ice cream sundaes, which was received with the utmost approval of all three kids.

Miles started rec center soccer. He is loving it! He's had 2 practices and one game so far. The game was awesome. It was just what you would expect from a bunch of 6-8 year olds. They all just ran around in a big circle around the ball and tried to kick it. Super entertaining for sure. (He's #10)

1 comment:

Becca said...

Wow, your friend's parent's pool looks amazing! I can see from your pictures why you're so exhausted every night! You're such a great mom.

Your fairy garden reminds me of the book "Anne of Windy Poplars". It is when Anne is a principal at a school and she befriends a little neighbor girl. They make a fairly land (just on paper), but I loved the idea while I read about it. She goes into more detail in the book. I did it with Izzy years ago and we both loved it so much. You should read the book, if you haven't.
Excited to see you guys soon and thank you so much for taking Izzy this weekend. She's excited!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...