Thursday, January 28, 2016

First half of January

The Sunday after we got back from SG, I was in charge of sharing time in primary. I wanted it to be extra special as we were introducing our theme for the year, "I know the scriptures are true". Mom helped me make a bunch of props that scripture characters could use, and then I had people from the ward dressed up as scripture heros come through a "time machine". It was a hit!

Makenna asked me to take some picture of new baby Brendan. I couldn't help but take about a thousand, but here's a few favorites.

Gwen and Lindy doing yoga. Gwen started not to like it when she and Miles did it (because Miles was so much better at it than she was), but when it's just her and Lindy, she really likes "doing her yoga" and teaching Lindy all about it.

Here's Lindy jumping. :) Every time I thought she was going to crash, because her jump wasn't so much of a jump as it was a fall off the stool. She never did though.

Some days, you just need to break out of your mold and do something to keep you from going insane. Within a weeks time, we used up all of our free food coupons from last year's summer reading program that we had forgotten about. This day it was a free taco, and a free frosty. :)

I really need to update the school blog, but until then, I had to share these ones. We were studying ancient Greece, and the Olympics. So we held a little Olympics of our own. Here's a couple action shots that make me smile.

We finished our short study of Antarctica and celebrated by the kids and dad working on their igloo, having blue jello with whip cream (ocean with ice berg on top), and making our Antarctica map out of sugar cubes. I swear, they thought it was fun, although these pictures don't look like it. :)

1 comment:

Becca said...

I love your updates! I need to blog more like you!

September 2022

Benson turns 6! He requested a chocolate and strawberry cake where candy spills out of it. :) We went swimming at the rec center, Gwen made ...